Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Red Zone Loot and Tips to Survive

Modern Warfare 3 - Red Zone Banner
Explore the Red Zone to search for weapons, schematics, Aether Tools, and Crystals in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies. Read on to learn Red Zone loot, the location of the Red Zone, what to do while in the Red Zone, and tips on how to survive.

What’s in the Red Zone?

Legendary Weapon Wallbuys

Modern Warfare 3 - Red Zone Wallbuy Legendary Weapon
All weapons available for purchase from Wallbuys in the Red Zone will consistently have an Epic or Legendary rarity, and they cost a whopping 4,000-5,000 essence. You can identify the rarity of the wallbuy based on the color of the weapon outline. These weapons are essential in the Red Zone due to their Bonus Damage effect.

All Zombie Weapon Locations

Wonder Aetherium Crystals and Tools

Modern Warfare 3 - Red Zone Rare Aetherium Crystals and Tools
Completing contracts in the High Threat Zone may reward you with Aetherium Crystals and Aetherium Tools with Wonder rarity. Using these items enables you to Pack-a-Punch your weapon to Level 3 or change its rarity to legendary, respectively.

These items are exceptionally valuable as they cannot be crafted in the schematics. However, you can exfil with these items and save them for your next run.

Crafting Schematics

Modern Warfare 3 - Red Zone Schematic Crafting
If you manage to exfil successfully with these schematics, you can craft the corresponding item every three hours at the crafting schematics screen before entering a game.

How to Get All Crafting Schematics

Wonder Weapon Cases Schematics

Modern Warfare 3 - Red Zone Wonder Weapon Schematics
In addition to the Crafting Schematics you can obtain from completing contracts, there's also a chance to acquire a Wonder Weapon Case Schematic that enables you to craft a Wonder Weapon Case every 48 hours.

Wonder Weapon Schematics
How to Get Ray Gun Schematics How to Get Wunderwaffe DG-2 Schematics

Refund Weapon Upgrades

All weapon upgrades can be refunded by visiting the tombstone, west of Old Town and paying your respects at it. This will remove all Pack-a-Punch levels, Ammo Mods, and Rarity of the weapon you're currently holding.

How to Refund Weapon Upgrades

How to Prepare for the Red Zone Zone

Preparing for the Red Zone

Do Not Equip a Secondary Weapon

Modern Warfare 3 - Red Zone No Secondary Weapon
Due to the abundance of sprinter zombies in the Red Zone, it is advisable not to equip any secondary weapon. Instead, use your bare hands to run away from zombies if you find yourself overwhelmed. Stamina-Up doesn't really help you outrun the zombies here.

Wallbuy Legendary Weapons

Modern Warfare 3 - Red Zone Wallbuy Weapon
As soon as you spawn in the game, immediately start completing nearby contracts and collect at least 5,000 Essence. Once you've gathered enough essence, head towards the wallbuys in the red zone and search for a legendary weapon. You can determine the rarity of the weapon by checking the color of the outline; in this case, you are looking for a weapon with an orange outline.

This step can be skipped if you possess a Wonder Aetherium Tool, allowing you to change the rarity of your weapon to legendary and gain the 300% Bonus Damage Effect.

All Zombie Weapon Locations

Get Pack A Punch Level III

Modern Warfare 3 - Red Zone Pack A Punch
After getting a legendary weapon from the Wallbuys, immediately start farming contracts on Low and Mid Threat Zone to gather Essence which you will need to Pack a Punch your weapon to Level III. This will make the enemies at the High Threat Zone much more managable especially the special Zombies.

After obtaining a legendary weapon from the Wallbuys, immediately begin farming contracts in the White and Orange Zones to gather Essence. This Essence is required for Pack-a-Punching your weapon to Level III, making the enemies in the Red Zone much more manageable, especially the Special Zombies.

You can speed up this process if you possess a Raw Aetherium Crystal or a Refined Aetherium Crystal. Use this to Pack-a-Punch your weapon to Level I or Level II to reduce the required Essence you need to collect.

How to Pack-a-Punch Weapons

Stay With Your Squad

Modern Warfare 3 - Red Zone Group Up With Squad
Group up with your squad and play with at least two other players for assistance. The enemies in this area are much stronger, and there are a lot more special zombies in the area, making it extremely difficult to explore alone.

Squad Finder Message Board

Equip Healing Aura Field Upgrade

Modern Warfare 3 - Red Zone Healing Aura
Healing Aura is one of the best Field Upgrades you can use, allowing you to instantly revive all nearby downed players without having to get close to rescue them. This enables you to assist your team while focusing on clearing the zombies in the area.

Get a Hellhound Pet

Modern Warfare 3 - Red Zone Hellhound Pet
Obtaining a Hellhound pet from the Doghouse is crucial if you are going to explore the Red Zone, as it can revive downed teammates and draw the attention of zombies, providing you with more space to clear out zombies.

How to Get Pet Dog in Zombies

Drink Perk-a-Colas

Modern Warfare 3 - Red Zone Perk a Cola
In total, there are 9 different Perk-A-Colas available in the game. It is essential to acquire these perks before entering the Red Zone, as the benefits they provide can be crucial during your exploration.

Prioritize obtaining perks such as Juggernog, Quick Revive and Deadshot Daiquiri, as they are among the most important for increasing your chances of survival.

All Zombies Perks and Best Perks Tier List

Red Zone Location

High Threat Zone in the Middle of the Map

Modern Warfare 3 - Red Zone Map Location
The Red Zone is situated in the middle of the map, specifically in the small town at the very center of Urzikstan. It is highlighted with a red overlay on your Tac Map.

Zombies Interactive Map

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Mystery Boxes Perk Machines
Locked Vault Pawn Transmission
Strongholds Buy Station
Merc Camps Deadbolt Turrets
Aether Tear Redeploy Drones
Der Wunderfizz Red Zone
Exfil Gas Station
Bunkers Audio Logs
Bosses Hidden Caches
Doghouses -


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