Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Back in the Field Guide: How to Get Major's Keycard in 90 Seconds

Modern Warfare 3 Back in the Field Trophy Guide

Back in the Field is a trophy and achievement for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Learn how to get the Major's keycard within 90 seconds in Deep Cover without being detected and how to unlock the Back in the Field trophy and achievement!

Back in the Field Trophy Video Playthrough

Video Playthrough

Back in the Field Trophy Walkthrough

How to Get Major's Keycard Fast

Deep Cover in 90 Seconds Walkthrough
Immediately from the start of the level, sprint and jump over this barricade. Soliders won't be alerted if you sprint and hurdle over it before the vehicle passes you.
You can keep sprinting until you reach the back of this truck. Stop here and wait for the moving vehicle to pass, then sprint behind the right side of the moving vehicle.
Stop sprinting when a group of soldiers appears on the left, then stay on the left as another group of soldiers will appear on the right.
Cut through this hangar to save time. If you're moving at a good pace, you'll come out the other side of the hangar to see the vehicle come to a stop on the other side.
5 Modern Warfare 3 Back in the Field Sprint
Pass through the gate. At first, stay near the booth to not alert the guard standing by the gate, but don't stay too near the booth, as there is a guard inside the booth who can also be alerted to your position.
6 Wait for the General to climb up the stairs, then follow him. You could also sneak into the upstairs office before he goes up, but this takes longer than eliminating him from behind.
7 Modern Warfare 3 - Take Down the Major.png
Eliminate the General specifically at the space at the top of the stairs Take him down with your melee instead of using your gun to avoid alerting his allies. Have your X (Xbox), Square (PlayStation), or keybind button ready to pick up the keycard because you'll want to not waste a second picking it up.

Deep Cover Mission Walkthrough

Back in the Field Tips and Strategies

Sprint While Avoiding Enemy Personnels

Modern Warfare 3 - Sprint while avoiding enemies
Don't be mistaken, you can sprint during this stealth part of the mission. Just make sure no one is looking at you or that you're not near enemies. Be careful not to get too close to the enemies in the area to avoid alerting them.

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2 Anonymousabout 1 year

did that work when retrying the campaign

1 Anonymousover 1 year

Back in the Field seems to be bugged for xbox users. Regardless of difficulty, restarting mission, using checkpoint, where major is killed, and playing prior mission first and then first try attempts to see. Starting a new campaign entirely is only thing not tried yet.


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