Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Gora Dam Mission Walkthrough - All Weapon and Item Locations

Modern Warfare 3 - Gora Dam

Gora Dam is a campaign mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on for a Gora Dam map, to learn all weapon, item, and bomb locations, and for a complete walkthrough for the Gora Dam mission.

All Gora Dam Weapon and Item Locations

Gora Dam Map and All Supply Box Locations

Supply Box Weapons and Equipment
☆ & ★: Ascender
1. KVD Enforcer (Semi-Auto Rifle)
2. Armor Box (Field Equipment)
3. RGL-80 (Launcher)
4. Silenced M16 (Assault Rifle)
5. Munitions Box (Field Equipment)
6. Recon Drone (Field Equipment)
7. Hybrid MTZ-556 (Assault Rifle)
8. Anti-Armor Rounds
9. Holger 26 (LMG)
10. Silenced Striker (SMG)
11. Incendiary Raal MG (LMG)
12. MCPR-300 (Bolt Rifle)
13. Silenced 556 Icarus (LMG)
14. Silenced Expedite 12 (Shotgun)
15. PILA (Launcher)
16. Signal 50 (Bolt Rifle)
17. Heartbeat Sensor (Field Upgrade)
18. Snapshot Pulse (Field Upgrade)
19. Silenced EBR-14 (Marksman Rifle)
20. Silenced Rival-9 (SMG)
21. Fennec 45 (SMG)

All Plate Carrier Upgrade Locations: Bulletproof Trophy Guide

Gora Dam Walkthrough and Objectives

Gora Dam Objectives

  1. Defuse the Bombs [4]
  2. Reach the Exfil Location

Gora Dam All Bomb Locations

First Bomb is in a Moving Truck

1 Modern Warfare 3 - First bomb
From the starting point, parachute down to the roof right above the first bomb (map pictured above). The bomb might not be there yet when you open your in-game map, but that's because it's in a vehicle headed to that destination.

From the roof, you can silently take down the sniper on the roof, then shoot at the enemies below from this vantage point.
2 Defuse First Bomb
When all enemies in the area have been dealt with, parachute down to the ground and defuse the bomb.

Second Bomb is Underwater

Approach the second bomb from the water of the dam, then find this spot on the Western side of the railing, where you have a wall behind you for cover. Here, you can take out enemies on the bridge.
Once you've cleared the enemies, the bomb will be hidden underwater. Follow the red and yellow wires to find the bomb.

Third Bomb

We recommend attacking from the western side, as this will give you the opportunity to take out enemies from higher ground. To get to the western side, you will need to circle around the bottom of the map from the east side.
Override the nearby turret so it can assist you a bit in the firefight. You can also throw a Shock Stick at it to get the Have You Tried Turning it Off and On? Achievement.
After taking out all enemies, defuse the third bomb, which is hidden on a metal catwalk under the bridge.
From the outside view of the bridge, the area with the red glow is where the bomb's located.

Fourth Bomb

After defusing the third bomb, head northwest toward the last bomb. Alternatively, if you've acquired the Ascender, you can climb the rope found at the end of the bridge to the left of the first bomb. This will take you very close to the fourth bomb.
Head northwest into the buildings and you will eventually find this hallway. Be careful, as there are Claymores planted about. Destroy them and take out all enemies in the area.
Head further on in and you will find the fourth bomb. Defuse it to unlock the next mission objective.

Head to Exfil Point

The exfil point will be at the same location as the second bomb. Head to this area and ignore all the enemies this time. You can jump into the water and stay submerged until your escape helicopter arrives.
When the helicopter has landed, quickly run into it to end the mission.

Gora Dam Rewards

Completion Reward

Mission Rewards
MW3 Gora Dam Reward 1 Hour XP Token1 Hour XP Token MW3 Gora Dam Reward 1 Hour Weapon XP Token1 Hour Weapon XP Token

Campaign Rewards and Length


Bronze Trophy.png Hitchhiker
G: 15
Defuse the bomb on the truck in Gora Dam while it is in motion
Bronze Trophy.png Dialed In
G: 15
Customize your loadout in every Open Combat Mission

Trophy Guide and List of Achievements

Gora Dam Mission Info

Mission Details

Gora Dam
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign - Gora Dam
Synopsis Ghost goes on an infiltration mission to disarm bombs that threaten to demolish Gora Dam, putting many lives at stake.
Location Verdansk, Kastovia
Date & Time 16 November 2023 0300
Playable Character Simon “Ghost” Riley
Team TF-141, CIA

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Frozen Tundra Danger Close

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Modern Warfare 3 Campaign

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# Mission Rewards
1 Operation 627 ・ Breather Calling Card
2 Precious Cargo ・ 30 Minutes XP Token
・ 30 Minutes Weapon XP Token
3 Reactor ・ Corso Operator
4 Payload ・ Ghillie Guy Calling Card
5 Deep Cover ・ 30 Minutes XP Token
・ 30 Minutes Weapon XP Token
6 Passenger No Rewards
7 Crash Site ・ Pathfinder Operator
8 Flashpoint ・ Toxic Drip Calling Card
9 Oligarch ・ 1 Hour XP Token
・ 1 Hour Weapon XP Token
10 Highrise ・ Doc Operator
11 Frozen Tundra ・ Skull Raphsody Calling Card
12 Gora Dam ・ 1 Hour XP Token
・ 1 Hour Weapon XP Token
13 Danger Close ・ Jabber Operator
14 Trojan Horse ・ Brogue Weapon Blueprint
・ Soapy Emblem

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