Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

All Weapon and Field Upgrade Locations: Gearhead Trophy Guide

Modern Warfare 3 - All Weapon and Field Upgrade Locations - Gearhead Trophy Guide
Collect all weapons and Field Upgrades from supply boxes in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) to complete the Gearhead trophy and achievement. Read on to see the map and all the supply box locations for each campaign mission!

All Weapon and Field Upgrade Locations

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Precious Cargo Reactor Crash Site
Oligarch Highrise Gora Dam

Precious Cargo

Supply Box Weapons and Equipment
1. Recon Drone (Field Equipment)
2. MTZ-556 (Assault Rifle)
3. Silenced WSP Swarm (SMG)
4. Heartbeat Censor (Field Equipment)
5. Silenced Expedite 12 (Shotgun)
6. RGL-80 (Grenade Launcher)
7. KVD Enforcer (Sniper Rifle)
8. Explosive Victus XMR (Sniper Rifle)
9. Munitions Box (Field Equipment)
10. Silenced ISO Hemlock (Assault Rifle)
11. Pulemyot 762 (LMG)
12. 556 Icarus (LMG)
13. Bas-B (Battle Rifle)
14. GS Magna (Handgun)
15. Hybrid-STB-556 (Assault Rifle)
16. Incendiary Bryson 800 (Shotgun)
17. PILA (Launcher)
18. Silenced Rival-9 (SMG)
19. RPK (LMG)
20. Signal-50 (Sniper Rifle)
21. Snapshot Pulse (Field Equipment)

Precious Cargo Mission Walkthrough


Supply Box Weapons and Equipment
1. Silenced Holger 556 (Assault Rifle)
2. Incendiary MCW (Assault Rifle)
3. Incendiary Sakin MG38 (LMG)
4. KV Inhibitor (Sniper Rifle)
5. Minigun
6. Snapshot Pulse (Field Equipment)
7. RGL-80 (Grenade Launcher)
8. Silenced Cor-45 (Handgun)
9. Silenced Expedite 12 (Shotgun)
10. Sidewinder (Assault Rifle)
11. Basilisk (Handgun)
12. Hybrid STB 556 (Assault Rifle)
13. PILA (Launcher)
14. Signal 50 (Sniper Rifle)
15. Explosive Crossbow
16. Incendiary MTZ Interceptor (Marksman Rifle)
17. Heartbeat Sensor (Field Equipment)
18. Incendiary FJX Imperium (Sniper Rifle)
19. Munitions Box (Field Equipment)
20. HCR 56 (LMG)
21. Incendiary Haymaker (Shotgun)
22. Anti-Armor Rounds (Field Equipment)
23. Incendiary Bryson 800 (Shotgun)
24. Silenced Lachmann Sub (SMG)
25. VEL 46 (SMG)
26. Armor Box (Field Equipment)
27. Fennec 45 (SMG)
28. Holger 26 (LMG)
29. Cronen Squall (Battle Rifle)

Reactor Mission Walkthrough

Crash Site

Supply Box Weapons and Equipment
1. Munition Box (Equipment)
2. Silenced Victus XMR (Sniper Rifle)
3. Silenced M4 (Assault Rifle)
4. Kastov 762 (Assault Rifle)
5. Heartbeat Censor (Field Equipment)
6. Silenced Crossbow (Sniper Rifle)
7. Incendiary RAAL MG (AR/LMG)
8. Incendiary Lockwood 680 (Shotgun)
9. Armor Box (Field Equipment)
10. Silenced SA-B 50 (Sniper Rifle)

Crash Site Mission Walkthrough


Supply Box Weapons and Equipment
★. Ascender
1. Explosive Katt-AMR (Bolt Rifle)
2. Night Vision Goggles
3. Heartbeat Sensor (Field Upgrade)
4. Silenced DM56 (Semi-Auto Rifle)
5. Cronen Squall (Assault Rifle)
6. RGL-80 (Launcher)
7. Anti-Armor Rounds (Field Upgrade)
8. Pulemyot 762 (LMG)
9. Silenced M16 (Assault Rifle)
10. STB 556 (Assault Rifle)
11. MCW 6.8 (Semi-Auto Rifle)
12. Incendiary Bryson 800 (Shotgun)
13. Recon Drone (Field Upgrade)
14. Silenced Bryson 800 (Shotgun)
15. Explosive Crossbow (Semi-Auto Rifle)
16. Armor Box (Field Equipment)
17. Minigun (LMG)
18. Hybrid Kastov 545 (Assault Rifle)
19. Snapshot Pulse (Field Upgrade)
20. Silenced M4 (Assault Rifle)
21. Silenced WSP-9 (SMG)
22. Akimbo .50 GS (Pistol)

Oligarch Mission Walkthrough


Click to Jump to a Floor!
1st Floor 5th Floor 7th Floor
8th Floor 9th Floor 11th Floor
Top Floor - -

Highrise Mission Walkthrough

All 1st Floor Weapons and Items

1st Floor Supply Box Locations
Supply Box Weapons and Equipment
1. Explosive Crossbow
2. Silenced Expedite 12 (Shotgun)
3. Minigun
4. Incindiary MCW (Assault Rifle)

All Plate Carrier Upgrade Locations: Bulletproof Trophy Guide

All 5th Floor Weapons and Items

5th Floor Supply Box Locations
Supply Box Weapons and Equipment
5. .50 GS (Handgun)
6. Silenced COR-45 (Handgun)
7. Silenced TAQ-M (Assault Rifle)
8. Snapshot Pulse

All 7th Floor Weapons and Items

7th Floor Supply Box Locations
Supply Box Weapons and Equipment
9. Silenced MTZ Interceptor (Marksman Rifle)
10. Silenced Kastov 762 (Assault Rifle)

All 8th Floor Weapons and Items

8th Floor Supply Box Locations
Supply Box Weapons and Equipment
11. VEL 46 (SMG)

All 9th Floor Weapons and Items

9th Floor Supply Box Locations
Supply Box Weapons and Equipment
12. Silenced Striker 9 (SMG)
13. LA-B 330 (Sniper Rifle)

All 11th Floor Weapons and Items

11th Floor Supply Box Locations
Supply Box Weapons and Equipment
14. Incendiary Bryson 800 (SMG)
15. RPK (LMG)
16. WSP Stinger (SMG)
17. PDSW 528 (SMG)

All Top Floor Weapons and Items

Top Floor Supply Box Locations
Supply Box Weapons and Equipment
18. Anti-Armor Rounds
19. ISO Hemlock (Assault Rifle)

Gora Dam

Supply Box Weapons and Equipment
1. Bomb Drone
2. RGL-80 (Launcher)
3. Armor Box
4. Cluster Mine
5. Anti-Armor Rounds
6. Silenced Rival-9 (SMG)
7. Incendiary Raal MG (LMG)
8. Ascender
9. Recon Drone
10. Hybrid MTZ-556 (Assault Rifle)
11. Silenced M16 (Assault Rifle)
12. UAV
13. Chopper Gunner
14. Snapshot Pulse (Field Upgrade)
15. Holger 26 (LMG)

Gora Dam Mission Walkthrough

Weapon and Field Upgrade Collection Rewards

Gearhead Trophy

Gold Trophy.png Gearhead
G: 90
Collect all Weapons and Field Upgrades from Supply Boxes in Open Combat Missions
All Weapon and Field Upgrade Locations

Get the Gearhead achievement by collecting all Weapons and Field Upgrades during the Open Combat Missions of the Campaign.
Campaign Missions List and Walkthrough

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - Trophy and Achievements

Trophy Guide and List of Achievements

All Trophies and Achievements

All Trophy and Achievement Guides
Gearhead Trophy Guide Back in the Field Guide
No Such Thing as Too Many Bulletproof Trophy Guide


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