Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Union Mission Walkthrough

MW3 - Union Walkthrough

Union is the third Act 4 mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to see the objectives, rewards, and a full walkthrough for Union!

Union Walkthrough

Union Objectives

Investigate the Anomaly
Go to the Dark Aether Rift located in zone E4 of the western part of the High Threat Zone. It should be marked on your Tac-Map with an exfil icon with a star.
Enter the Dark Aether
Interact with the Dark Aether Rift to enter the Dark Aether area and begin the mission. If you're in a squad, every member should vote "yes" via the Tac-Map to be able to enter the rift.

Once the required number of votes is reached, a 10-second countdown will ensue, and your whole squad will then be transported to the Dark Aether.
Pursue Ravenov and Locate Dr. Jansen
Follow Ravenov to locate Dr. Jansen. You'll see two orbs floating in Ravenov's position; shoot the orbs to start the mission.
Break the Storm
Follow the Orbs and shoot them to locate and interact with the target crystal.

Interact with the crystal and find the symbols that show up to weaken it. The symbols are well hidden but can easily be located if you follow the humming sound they emit. You need to shoot the symbols in order from left to right to weaken the crystal.

After weakening the crystal, shoot to destroy it and repeat the process for the other crystal.
5 Return to Ravenov's Position
Go back to Ravenov's position to spawn the seals.
Break the Seals
Three seals will appear around Ravenov's position. Activate the seals one by one and kill the zombies in proximity to add progress in breaking the seal.

You should see a blue projectile from the zombie you killed if it counts to the seal's progress.
Banish the Entity
After breaking all three seals, activate the final seal to summon the entity and kill her. It's better to equip Pack-A-Punched weapons with high rarity to deal higher damage.

Defeating the entity will summon a reward rift that contains the Giraffe Toy which is a key item to unlocking the new Dark Aether rift.
▶︎ What to Do With the Giraffe Toy
Escape the Rift
Follow Dr. Jansen to the Dark Aether portal and exfil.

Union Rewards

Union Rewards
Fabulous Flames Fabulous Flames 10000 XP

List of All Charms

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Ghosted Alternate Current
Most Firepower Paint the Target
Crash and Burn Storm the Castle
Closing Time Spring Cleaning
Holdout Defeat Zakhaev
Bad Signal Countermeasures
Union Ascension (Story Mission)


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