Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Keres Fortress Location and Rewards

Modern Warfare 3 - How to Beat Warlord Keres

Warlord Keres is a new Zombies mode boss in the Season 2 Reloaded update of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Learn the Keres Fortress location, how to beat Warlord Keres, and her rewards in this guide!

Fortress Guides
Keres Fortress Dokkaebi Fortress Legacy Fortress

Keres Fortress Location

Orlov Military Base - Tile H2

Warlord Keres is located inside the Keres' Fortress at the Orlov Military Base, exactly at H2 coordinates on your map. You will need a Fortress Keycard - Keres to enter, which you can get from clearing out Mercenary Strongholds.

As of the first week of the Season 2 Reloaded update, the Keres Fortress keycard is a guaranteed drop since other fortresses are disabled and the only one active is the Keres Fortress.

Warlord Rotation Now Active

Because there are multiple Warlords on the map, there is a rotation of what Fortresses are active in a given game. When all Warlord Fortresses are active, then it'll depend on RNG on which Warlord Fortress will appear when you log into a game.

When a new Warlord is added, that Fortress is the only Warlord Location active for about a week before it then becomes a randomized pool of which Warlord spawns in your game.

Keres Fortress Rewards

Callous (Weapon Blueprint)

Modern Warfare 3 - Callous Blueprint from Keres

The Callous is a rare weapon blueprint obtained as a reward from defeating Keres. Its attachments are unique and different than those generally found from killing regular mercenaries.

List of All Blueprints

Random Wonder Weapon

Modern Warfare 3 - Ray Gun Reward from Keres

Defeating Keres also rewards you with a random Wonder Weapon, such as the Scorcher and Ray Gun. Defeating the Keres Warlord is one of the two guaranteed ways of getting a Wonder Weapon; the other method being the Rainmaker Fortress.

How to Get and Exfil Wonder Weapons

Random Equipment and Gear

Modern Warfare 3 - Gear from Keres

It's also guaranteed that you'll get random equipment or gear upon beating Keres. These gear are generally used as utility to aid you in combat.

List of All Zombies Gear

How to Beat Keres Warlord

How to Beat Warlord Keres

Equip a Gas Mask for Immunity Against Poisonous Gas

Modern Warfare 3 - Equip a Gas Mask Inside Keres Fortress

The most important gear to bring in your fight against Warlord Keres would be the Gas Mask, as you'll need this for protection against her red poisonous gas that she'll immediately unleash upon engaging in combat with her.

Keep in mind that the Gas Mask will deteriorate over time while staying inside the poisonous gas. Enemies inside the fortress occasionally drop gas masks if ever you need a new one.

How to Get Gas Masks

Drink a Deadshot Daiquiri Perk

Modern Warfare 3 - Deadshot Daiquiri in Keres Fortress

With the Deadshot Daiquiri perk, you'll be able to see a red outline of Warlord Keres and other enemies hidden within the poisonous smoke.

Use this to your advantage to catch Warlord Keres by surprise by shooting her through the smoke.

How to Get Deadshot Daiquiri Perk

Summon a Friendly Hellhound

Modern Warfare 3 - Friendly Hellhound in Keres Fortess

If you have a Dog Bone with you, you can use it to summon a friendly hellhound which can track down Warlord Keres in the smoke. In addition, the hellhound can also revive you, as well as downed teammates.

How to Get Dog Bone Schematic

Stay on Top of Vantage Points

Modern Warfare 3 - Stay on Top of Vantage Points in Keres Fortress

Position yourself on top of obstacles such as boxes and platforms inside the fortress to look for Warlord Keres if ever she disappears back in the smoke.

You can also use this strategy to heal up and recover if ever things get heated up during the boss fight.

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