Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

List of All Tactical Equipment and Best Tacticals

Modern Warfare 3 - All Tactical Equipment

The best Tactical Equipment in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) are those that provide players with various advantages to increases the chances of winning matches. Read on to see the best Tactical Equipment, a list of all Tactical Equipment, and how to unlock them.

Best Tactical Equipment

Recommended Tactical Equipment

Equipment Merits
Modern Warfare 3 - Stun Grenade
Stun Grenade
・Disrupts enemy aim, giving you the upper hand in gun fights.
・Slows down enemies, preventing them from getting to cover.
Modern Warfare 3 - Flash Grenade
Flash Grenade
・Blinds and deafens enemies, allowing you to easily win gun fights.
Modern Warfare 3 - EMD Grenade
EMD Grenade
・Enemies hit are revealed on the team's minimap.
・Effective in small maps with plenty of corners and hiding spots.
Modern Warfare 3 - Battle Rage
Battle Rage
・Incredibly useful for its mobility.
・Faster health regen allows you to stay in combat longer.
Modern Warfare 3 - Tear Gas
Tear Gas
・Can be used to deny enemies from entering an area.
・Flush out enemies hiding behind cover.

How to Unlock All Tactical Equipment

NOTE: Some Tactical Equipment will require you to complete Armory Unlock Challenges in order to unlock them. This feature is unlocked once your account reaches Level 25.

Equipment How to Unlock Description
Stun GrenadeStun Grenade Default Slow victim's movement and aiming.
Battle RageBattle Rage Reach Level 13 Experimental stimulant that gives you an adrenaline rush. Health regenerates quickly, Tactical Equipment is resisted, and Tactical Sprint is constantly refreshed.
Smoke GrenadeSmoke Grenade Reach Level 16 Deploys a smoke screen that blocks vision and automated targeting systems.
Scatter MineScatter Mine Reach Level 18 Throw a field of mines across a wide area that detonate when enemies come within range.
Decoy GrenadeDecoy Grenade Reach Level 42 Counter-intel grenade that simulates gunfire, movement, and radar signatures to confuse the enemy.
Flash GrenadeFlash Grenade Complete 3 Armory Unlock Challenges Blinds and deafens targets.
EMD GrenadeEMD Grenade Complete 3 Armory Unlock Challenges Applies a tracking device to enemies hit, revealing them on your team's minimap.
Shock StickShock Stick Complete 3 Armory Unlock Challenges Electrical device that sticks to surfaces. Electrocutes enemies, destroys equipment, and causes vehicles to go haywire.
StimStim Complete 3 Armory Unlock Challenges Military stimulant that promotes clotting to close wounds quickly and refreshes Tactical Sprint.
Tear GasTear Gas Complete 5 Armory Unlock Challenges Explodes on impact with the ground, releasing a lingering cloud of tear gas that causes slowed movement, blurred vision, and coughing.
Snapshot GrenadeSnapshot Grenade Complete 5 Armory Unlock Challenges Provide a momentary glimpse of enemies within the blast radius for your team or squad.

What are Tactical Equipment?

Provides Tactical Advantages

Tactical Equipment are implements that aid players in the battlefield to gain the advantage over enemies. Use them to obstruct enemy vision, create distractions, or improve your own combat efficiency.

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