Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Best Launchers and Launchers List

This is a list of all Launchers in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to learn more about the stats of each Launcher and how to unlock them!

Best Launchers


Modern Warfare 3 - RGL-80

The RGL-80 is our only best pick for Launchers as it can basically do everything that you can expect Launchers to do - destroy vehicles and kill a whole group of enemies in a single blast, but with the ability to hold up to 6 Rounds and also the fact that you don't have to load it up again after each shot.

RGL-80 Best Loadout and Build

List of All Launchers

MW3 Launchers

Weapon Gun Info
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - RGL-80RGL-80 Base Round Capacity: 6
Reserve Ammo: 0
How to Unlock: TBA
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - StormenderStormender Base Round Capacity: 2
Reserve Ammo: 0
How to Unlock: Unlocked by reaching the A12 Sector of the Season 1 Battle Pass.
Torque 35 Base Round Capacity: 1
Reserve Ammo: 19
How to Unlock: TBA

MW2 Launchers

Weapon Gun Info
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - PILAPILA Base Round Capacity: 1
Reserve Ammo: 1
How to Unlock: Unlocked by default.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - STRELA-PSTRELA-P Base Round Capacity: 1
Reserve Ammo: 1
How to Unlock: Unlocked at Level 14.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - JOKRJOKR Base Round Capacity: 1
Reserve Ammo: 1
How to Unlock: Unlocked at Level 24.
Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) - RPG-7RPG-7 Base Round Capacity: 1
Reserve Ammo: 1
How to Unlock: Unlocked at Level 32.

There are 4 confirmed MW2 Launchers that can be carried forward to Modern Warfare 3.

Carry Forward Explained

How to Use Launchers

Destroy Enemy UAVs

You can use Launchers to shoot down enemy UAVs flying around the airspace to disable it and prevent the enemy team from detecting your team's positions on their mini-map.

Some launchers, like the PILA, have the ability to lock-on an aircraft, which will fire a guided homing missile at your designated target.

Destroy Vehicles

All Launchers have the capability to destroy armored vehicles and tanks carrying enemies, or any vehicle stationed across the map.

Be sure to think twice before disabling a vehicle as they may come in handy for you should you need to use them to travel across the large battlefield, particularly in game modes like Ground War and Invasion.

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