Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get Echo of Locked Diary

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The Echo of Locked Diary can be obtained by killing 5 Mimics using an Aether Blade in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies. Learn how to get Echo of Locked Diary and what to do with the Echo of Locked Diary!

How to Get Echo of Locked Diary

Kill 5 Mimics Using an Aether Blade

The purple version of the Echo of Locked Diary can be obtained by killing 5 Mimics using an Aether Blade. Once you kill your 5th Mimic, a reward rift should spawn containing the Echo of Locked Diary.

How to Get Aether Blade Schematic

Complete the Rune Puzzle in Tile G6 to Spawn a Lot of Mimics

If you're having a tough time finding Mimics to kill, you can head on over to Tile G6 in the yellow zone to complete an underwater Rune Puzzle that triggers multiple Mimic spawns.

1 Melee the Purple Runes
To solve the puzzle, melee 3 Runes underwater to activate the large Runic Pattern. You'll know it's activated once the pattern glows purple.
Then, position yourself underwater until the Runic Pattern forms a Triangle. If the runic pattern glows green, it means you did the puzzle right and it should trigger the Mimics to spawn.
3 Attacking from the Water
For an easy time killing the Mimics, stay in the water and bait the Mimics to stand on the pier. From your position in the water, you should be able to throw your Aether Blades repeatedly without taking damage from the mob.

What to Do With Echo of Locked Diary

Upgrade to Gold by Completing a Jump Puzzle in Popov Power

How to Upgrade Echo of Locked Diary
After getting the purple Echo of Locked Diary, head over to the giant Eagle Statue in Tile D2, west of Popov Power in the yellow zone.
Climb the center of the Eagle Statue to find a burnt out corpse. Offer it your Unattuned Relic to start the challenge.
Note: Only players that brought an Echo of Locked Diary will be able to complete the next steps. Players without the diary will not be able to see the teleporters or the reward rifts for this challenge.
3 Drink the PHD Flopper
After you offer your Unattuned Relic to the corpse, it will drop PHD Floppers for you to consume. If you're one of the players doing the challenge, make sure to use it to get the perk before doing the next step.
After drinking the PHD Flopper Perk-a-Cola, a Gold Rift will appear. Players who submitted the Echo of Locked Diary can use this to teleport to the top of the large cooling tower in Popov Power.
Once you're on the cooling tower in Popov Power, look to the east where you'll see 2 Blue Shipping Crates. You will need to dolphin dive (with PHD Flopper active) and land on or near the crate with an Eagle Symbol to complete the upgrade process.
On a successful attempt, a reward rift should spawn. Only players who had the purple Echo of Locked Diary will be able to see it. Loot the Gold Echo of Locked Diary from the reward rift and exfil with it to get 1 of the 4 keys.

Place on a Pedestal to Open the Dark Aether Rift at Tile F5

After upgrading the Echo of Locked Diary into Gold Rarity, proceed to the Dark Aether Rift at Tile F5 in the Red Zone. There, you'll find 4 pedestals in a fountain that require you to offer a key item on each of them.

The other keys you need are Mr. Peeks, Echo of Giraffe Toy, and Echo of Drum.

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2 Anonymous7 months

I had the same problem...then my son went in...his game crashed and now he can't get it...

1 Anonymous7 months

Can you tell me what to do if I lose the purple diary by not being able to do the PhD flopper while upgrading? Tried going back in and killing mimics again but that didn't work


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