Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Insured Slots and Contraband Explained

Zombies Modern Warfare 3 - Insured Slots and Contraband Banner
Insured Slots are used to save a weapon, while contraband refers to weapons you pick up in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Continue reading to learn more about the differences between these weapons.

Insured Slots and Insured Weapons Meaning

Insured Weapons Are Weapons You Unlock

Zombies Modern Warfare 3 - Insured Weapon

Insured Weapons are weapons you bring home as contraband or weapons you've unlocked via Player Level or Weapon Level Progressions. You get a variety of base weapons that you can fully customize to slightly tweak the stats according to your playstyle.

These Insured Weapons are customizable and available to you as long as you put them in an Insured Slot.

All Zombie Weapon Locations

Expand Slots by Completing Acts

Zombies Modern Warfare 3 - Act Rewards
Increase the number of Insured Slots by completing the Story Mission Acts. While the first Insured Slot is unlocked by default, completing Act I unlocks the second Insured Slot, and Act II completion unlocks the third Insured Slot.

Zombies Acts and Mission Rewards

Dying With An Insured Weapon

Zombies Modern Warfare 3 - Dying with an Insured Weapon
If you equipped an Insured Weapon and died during your run, the Insured Weapon will not be lost, but the slot will go under a one-hour cooldown before you can use it again.

Death Penalty Explained

Cooldown Reduction

Zombies Modern Warfare 3 - Cooldown Reduction
You can reduce the cooldown of your Insured Weapons simply by playing the game and successfully exfiltrating. The amount of time reduced on your cooldowns is determined by the XP bonus you have accumulated at the end of your run.

How to Exfil

Contraband Weapons Explained

Weapons You Pick Up Are Contraband Weapons

Zombies Modern Warfare 3 - Contraband Weapons
Any weapon you pick up in zombies mode is considered a Contraband Weapon, and it will be available in the loadout screen if you successfully exfiltrate, as long as you have it equipped until the end of a run.

List of All Guns and Weapons

Dying With A Contraband Weapon

:Modern Warfare 3 - Plea for Help
Any Contraband Weapon, whether primary or secondary, will be lost if you die during your run in zombies mode. Since it is not considered yours and you only picked it up from the zone, you will not be able to access it in the loadout screen unless you successfully exfiltrate with the weapon.

Death Penalty Explained

You Cannot Exfil Wonder Weapons

Zombies Modern Warfare 3 - Wonder Weapons Exfil
Wonder weapons like the Ray Gun and Wunderwaffe DG-2 cannot be brought back to the lobby and will be lost even if you survive an exfil. These items are forfeited as soon as you leave the match. However, bringing back Wonder Weapons grants an additional 400 XP for each Wonder Weapon that you can bring back home.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies Game Mode

Zombies Mode Walkthrough and Guide

All Zombies Guides

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Zombies Missions Zombies Season 2
Zombies Season 1 Zombies Map
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All Zombies Guns and Weapons

All Zombies Guns and Weapon Guides
Best Guns Refund Weapon Upgrades
Weapon Rarity Pack-a-Punch
Reduce Weapon Cooldown Insured Slots and Contraband
Wonder Weapons Ray Gun
Wunderwaffe DG-2 The Scorcher
V-R11 Rarity vs Pack-a-Punch
Wonder Weapon Rarity Glitch -


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