Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get Dead Wire Ammo Mod

Modern Warfare 3 - How to Get Dead Wire Ammo Mod

Dead Wire Ammo Mods can be crafted through the Dead Wire Schematics or obtained from Aether Nests in Zombies mode of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Learn how to get and find Dead Wire Ammo Mods and how to stun zombies with Dead Wire!

How to Get Dead Wire Ammo Mod

Where to Find Dead Wire Ammo Mod
1. Aether Nests and Infested Strongholds (Repeatable; random drop)
2. Completing Contracts (Repeatable; random drop)
3. Dead Wire Schematics (Repeatable with cooldown)

Cleanse Aether Nests and Infested Strongholds

Dead Wire Ammo Mods can be obtained from loot caches in Aether Nests and Infected Strongholds. However, it is not guaranteed that you'll get one as the contents of loot caches are random.

Do note that you must clear out the Aether Nests and Infested Strongholds before you can open any loot caches inside. You can do this by shooting the yellow cysts that are attached on the walls within the nests.

Aether Nests (Aether Nest) and Infested Strongholds (Infested Stronghold) are marked on your Tac-Map with hexagon icons.

Completing Contracts

Modern Warfare 3 - Dead Wire Ammo Mod Reward Rift

Completing contracts can get you a Dead Wire Ammo Mod as a potential reward from the Reward Rift that pops out after finishing the contract. In our experience, we managed to get one by completing a Deliver Cargo contract!

How to Complete Contracts

Crafting Schematics

You can also obtain Dead Wire Ammo Mode through crafting it. This can be unlocked by obtaining and exfiltrating with the Dead Wire Ammo Mode Schematics, which can be acquired through Reward Rifts.

If you have regular squad members, you can also ask them to craft one for you. Ammo Mods can be dropped and picked up by other squad members.

How to Get All Crafting Schematics

How to Stun With Dead Wire Ammo Mod

Tips to Stun with Dead Wire Ammo Mod

Related Mission Tasks
Shocked ・ Stun 25 Zombies with Dead Wire Ammo Mod
・ Stun 5 Special Zombies with Dead Wire Ammo Mod

Use Weapons with a Large Magazine

The Dead Wire Ammo mod works best with weapons with a large magazine that can hold a lot of bullets in order to maximize stunning a huge horde of zombies in a single clip. You can equip a larger magazine size for your insured weapons through the Gunsmith menu before deploying in a match!

Prioritize Stunning Disciples

Modern Warfare 3 - Prioritize Stunning Disciples

When using the Dead Wire Ammo mod, prioritize shooting Disciples as they seem to be a lot more prone to getting stunned compared to other Special Zombies. Based on our experience, you can encounter lots of tanky Disciples in the Escort Contracts in the Medium Threat Zone—as many as up to 3 Disciples in one contract.

Disciple Locations and How to Kill Disciples

What is Dead Wire Ammo Mod?

Ammo that Stuns and Shocks Enemies

Modern Warfare 3 - Dead Wire Ammo Mod Electricity

The Dead Wire Ammo mod applies an electricity effect when shooting zombies and has a random chance to shock them, leaving them stunned for a certain amount of time.

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All Zombies Ammo Mods

Zombies Ammo Mods
Cryo Freeze Dead Wire
Brain Rot Shatter Blast
Napalm Burst -


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