Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Carry Forward Explained: Everything That Carries Over From MW2

Modern Warfare 3 - Carry Forward

Carry Forward allows players to transfer Modern Warfare 2 items over to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3 2023). Read on to learn more about Carry Forward and everything that carries over from MW2, as well as those that do not carry over.

What is Carry Forward?

Transfer MW2 Content to Modern Warfare 3

Modern Warfare 3 - Transfer MW2 Content to MW3

Carry Forward lets players use all Weapons, Operators, Blueprints, and Cosmetics that they currently own in Modern Warfare 2 in the upcoming MW3 game. This feature only has MW2 items brought to Modern Warfare 3, not the other way around.

Modern Warfare 2 Walkthrough and Guides Wiki

Everything That Carries Over from MW2

Carries Over Does Not Carry Over
✔︎ Operators
✔︎ Weapons
✔︎ Attachments
✔︎ Blueprints
✔︎ Weapon Camos
✔︎ Cosmetics
✔︎ Weapon Progression
✖︎ War Tracks

What Carries Over

  1. Operators
  2. Weapons
  3. Attachments
  4. Blueprints
  5. Weapon Camos
  6. Cosmetics
  7. Weapon Progression


Modern Warfare 3 - Operators

For Operators and Operator skins unlocked in Modern Warfare 2, they will be available to use in MW3. This includes those attained through challenges, purchased through a bundle in the Call of Duty store, as well as seasonal and battle pass Operators.

Base Operators, also known as the default Operator skin, will also carry forward in MW3 as long as the player owns a copy of Modern Warfare 2.

List of All Operators


Modern Warfare 3 - M4 Weapon

Weapons from MW2 will be carried over provided that their unlock challenge has been completed for it to become accessible in MW3.

In addition, players who do not own Modern Warfare 2 will still be able to use the base MW2 weapons. However, they'll need to be unlocked through MW3 challenges.

▶︎ List of All Guns and Weapons
MW2 Icon▶︎ MW2 Guns MW3 Icon▶︎ MW3 Guns


Modern Warfare 3 - M4 Weapon

The Attachments from MW2 are transferred over and can also be used on Modern Warfare 3 weapons, as long as they're compatible with the gun.

You can check which attachments are available for a certain weapon in the Gunsmith menu.


Modern Warfare 3 - Blueprints

All Blueprints for your guns will also be imported, and those that are available from bundles in the MW2 store, may also be purchased in the MW3 shop.

Weapon Camos

Modern Warfare 3 - Camos

Weapon Camos are also brought over to MW3, including Mastery Camos and those obtained from Limited-Time events.

However, do note that MW2 Camos cannot be applied to MW3 weapons since it has been confirmed that the latter will have its own expansive set of camos.

Customizations and Cosmetics

Modern Warfare 3 - Customizations and Cosmetics

Weapon Charms, Stickers, Calling Cards, Emblems, Loading Screens, and select Vehicle Skins that you own in MW2, will all be available in Modern Warfare 3.

Prove you're veteran to newcomers by equipping cosmetics from old limited-time events!

Weapon Progression

Modern Warfare 3 - Weapon Progression

The level progression for weapons will update continuously in both games. Meaning if you leveled up a gun in MW3, that progress will also be in MW2 and vice versa.

What Doesn't Carry Over

  1. War Tracks

War Tracks

Modern Warfare 3 - Customizations and Cosmetics

War Tracks are songs that you play while riding in vehicles. Unfortunately, all musical tracks that you own from MW2 will not be made available in MW3.

Will Limited-Time Items Be Carried Forward to MW3?

Yes, Limited Items Will Carry Over

Modern Warfare 3 - Limited-Time Event Items

All Operators, Weapons, and Cosmetic items obtained from MW2 limited-time events and battle passes will be carried over to Modern Warfare 3 as long as players were able to get them within the timeframe of the events.

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