Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

All Perk Machine Locations

Modern Warfare 3 - Perk Machines

Perk Machines are vending machines where you can purchase Perks in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3 2023). Read on to see a map of all Perk Machine locations, what Perk Machines can do, and how to use them.

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All Perk Machine Locations

Perk Machine Interactive Map


Perk Machines have set possible spawn locations on the map but randomly appear in only a few places every game of Zombies. The perk that appears on each Perk Machine will also be random for every game.

Additionally, the Der Wunderfizz perk machine, which allows you to purchase all perks, also appears randomly in only three possible locations in the High-Threat Zone.

Check out our interactive map above to see all possible spawn locations for Perk Machines.

Urzikstan: Zombies Interactive Map

What are Perk Machines?

Places to Purchase Perks

Modern Warfare 3 - Perk a Cola

Perk Machines are vending machines scattered all around the Zombies map, where you can spend the Essence you've earned to purchase Perk-A-Colas.

Perk-A-Colas Increase Combat Effectiveness

Perk-A-Colas grant you specific Perks, depending on the machine. These Perks will increase your effectiveness in combat, from health buffs to increases in speed for reloading and health regeneration.

The Der Wunderfizz perk machine, which allows you to purchase any perk of your choice, can only be found in the High-Threat zone in the center of the Zombies map.

All Zombies Perks and Best Perks Tier List

Look for Perk Icons on the Map

Modern Warfare 3 - Perk Icon on Map

Perk Machines can be found on the map as pentagonal icons that resemble a military insignia or a shield. Set them as your destination on your tac-map to easily find your way towards them.

It is worth noting that places won't always have a Perk Machine, and the perk it grants won't always be the same one. These are randomized per game of Zombies.

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