Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Complete Deliver Cargo Contract

Deliver Cargo is a contract available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies Mode. Read on to learn about how to complete Deliver Cargo, the enemies you will encounter in Deliver Cargo, and Deliver Cargo rewards.

How to Complete Deliver Cargo

Deliver Cargo Contract Guide

Interact with the Left Garage Door

MW3 Zombies - Open Left Garage Door
The LTV will most of the time be positioned on the left side of the garage, so make sure to interact with that specific garage door to open it. This will allow you to enter the vehicle and leave as soon as possible.

Avoid Dealing with the Mercenaries

MW3 Zombies - Avoid Dealing with Mercenaries
You can avoid fighting the mercenaries found inside the garage and hop into the LTV as soon as you open the garage door. This will save you time and prevent you dealing with troublesome enemies.

Plan Your Route

MW3 Zombies - Covering LTV
You can stop underneath any roofed area to prevent the enemy helicopter from damaging your vehicle. Use this time to plan out your route to the extraction point.

Deliver Cargo Enemies Encountered

All Deliver Cargo Enemies

Enemies Threat Zone
Mercenaries Low, Medium, and High Threat
Normal Zombies Low, Medium, and High Threat

Zombies Challenges and Enemy Types

Deliver Cargo Rewards

Common Deliver Cargo Rewards

Rewards Threat Zones
Uncommon Aether Tool Low Threat
2-Plate Armor Vest Medium Threat
Rare Aether Tool

Note that the rewards you can obtain from Deliver Cargo are not limited to the ones listed above. These rewards are simply the most common ones that can be acquired, as per our testing.

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Eliminate the Bounty Deliver Cargo
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