Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Packet Burst Fixes and Error Explained

Call of Duty MW3 - Packet Burst

Packet Burst is a network connection issue in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3 2023). Learn possible solutions for Packet Bursts, Packet Losses, and other network-related issues.

Packet Burst Fixes

Check Your Internet Connection

Latency or Ping refers to the amount of time in milliseconds it takes for information to travel through your internet connection.
Bandwidth is the amount of information that can be transferred between locations over a set period, usually measured in megabits per second (Mbps).
  1. Change Region – You may be playing in a region different from your actual location. Latency can be dependent on geography. The further you are from other players in your game, the worse the connection might be.
  2. Restart Your Router
  3. Upgrade Your Router – Older routers may have some limitations with performance, and some routers specialize in reducing lag.
  4. Use An Ethernet Cable – While Wi-Fi has come a long way in the past several years, connections can still become unstable due to several factors. Wired Ethernet connections will be able to maintain the minimum bandwidth connection required for online gaming.
  5. Close Unnecessary Applications – Applications running in the background may be taking up a lot of bandwidth, causing the issues with your game. For example, if you're streaming a video or downloading files.
  6. Contact Your Internet Provider – If the latency issue is rooted in your internet connection, it may be an issue with your internet service provider.

Optimize Your Game Settings

Turn Off On-Demand Texture Streaming and Crossplay

Some settings may utilize your internet connection and may cause in-game issues. Two such settings are On-Demand Texture Streaming and Crossplay. Turning these settings off may improve your internet connection and game.

Packet Burst Error Explained

Network Connection Issue

Packet Bursts or Packet Losses occur when the flow of information between your console or PC and the game's server is interrupted. This could be a sudden influx or a sudden slowing of data flow. When Packet Bursts or Losses occur, you may experience the following issues with your game:

  • Rubber Banding – When your character runs toward a destination and then jumps back to where it was a few seconds prior.
  • Stuttering – When your character appears to freeze and skip ahead while moving.
  • Hit marker delays – When it appears you have landed several shots on an enemy, but the shots don't register as damage.

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1 Anonymousover 1 year

Packet burst is gameserver related not an ISP of the user isseu. Please keep you're solutions to the problem and not the ohso obvious reasons what all idiots (copmpanies) tell you. "Probaly you're internet connection. Check you're connections. If you're on wifi, use wire.". NO NO NO.


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