Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Zombies Season 2 Guide and All Content

MW3 Zombies Season 2
Zombies Season 2 focuses on the Dark Aether Story Act and the Second Rift in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Catch up on the latest MWZ Season 2 Reloaded content, new schematics and easter eggs, and Zombies S2 walkthrough guides.

All Zombies Season 2 Reloaded Content

All MWZ Season 2 Reloaded Content

Checkmark Warlord Keres (and Guaranteed Wonder Weapons)

New Dark Aether Rift in Tile G4 (Red Zone)

MW3 Zombies 2nd Dark Aether Rift Location

There is a new Dark Aether Rift found in tile G4 of the main Zombies Map. Like the first Dark Aether Rift, you'll need to locate and collect 4 keys to unlock this Dark Aether Rift. Unlike the first one, all 4 keys are located within the map of the new Story Mission: Countermeasures.

All Dark Aether Easter Egg Locations

Pedestal Keys How to Get
Drum In Reward Rift after completing the Countermeasures story mission.
Tattered MMA Gloves Head to the obelisk on the ship in the Countermeasures Story Mission map. Activate the obelisk and perform melee kills on zombies until Reward Rift appears.
Perforated Target Head to the obelisk at tile E3 of Countermeasures Story Mission map. Activate the obelisk and perform headshot kills on zombies until Reward Rift appears.
Pristine Mirror Head to the obelisk at tile I8 of Countermeasures Story Mission map. Activate the obelisk and kill zombies with the corresponding Ammo Mod denoted by the color of the ring/obelisk (note that the ring and obelisk change colors during) until Reward Rift appears.

How to Get All Keys

Warlord Keres

Keres Warlord Season 2 Mid Season

The Keres warlord and fortress were added to the map, located at the Killhouse at Orlov Military Base (Tile H2). Be sure to bring Gas Masks and Deadshot Daiquiri due to her numerous bioweapons.

In Season 2 Reloaded, all Warlords will drop a random Wonder Weapon after defeating them. This is the only known guaranteed method of getting Wonder Weapons, other than crafting.

Season 2 Schematics and Acquisitions

Schematic Loot Location
Blood Burner Keys IconBlood Burner Keys Schematic Complete Contracts in the Elder Dark Aether
Mag of Holding IconMag of Holding Schematic Complete Contracts in the Elder Dark Aether
V-R11 Case Schematic Icon.pngV-R11 Schematic Complete Contracts in the Elder Dark Aether

You can obtain the new Classified Schematics in the new Dark Aether Rift; either in the Reward Rift for defeating the boss in the Story Mission or via contracts after entering the rift outside the story mission.

Containment Levels

Containment Levels give your Operator buffs such as starting with 5,000 Essence every match and 20% off Pack-a-Punch cost, so it's highly recommended you raise your level immediately. Complete Contracts then exfil in order to raise your Containment Level.

What are Containment Levels?

Prestige Challenges

Calling Card How to Get
Bursting Complete all Prestige 1 Zombies Challenges.
Harvesting Season Get 10 kills in 30 seconds with Throwing Knives.
Lightning Fast Get 200 kills shortly after reloading with Speed Cola active.
Sunset Asssault Extract 3 Schematics in a Single Deployment.
Urban Toll Kill 25 Manglers while using Napalm Burst.
Reaching Complete all Prestige 2 Zombies Challenges.
Don't Breathe Get 250 Kills while in Tac Stance.
Don't Look Back Get 50 Kills with the Sentry Gun Killstreak.
Knock Knock Complete 10 Big Bountry Contracts while Jugger-Nog is active.
Cave Dweller Kill 75 Hellhounds with Cryo Freeze.
Scream Out Complete all Prestige 3 Zombies Challenges.
Torrential Horde Get 30 Kills while Underwater.
Unknown Voyage Get 15 Kills with an LMG without releasing the trigger.
No Mercy Get 150 Kills while in the Low Threat Zone with a Legendary Rarity Weapon.
Crystal Horde Get 1000 Kills with Akimbo Pistols.
Enhanced Complete all Prestige 4 Zombies Challenges.
Wonder Shocked Get 1000 Kills using a weapon with an After Market Part.
Mind the Kindling Revive 15 Teammates with Quick Revive active.
Fire and Corpses Use 5 Acquisitions in under 30 Seconds.
So It Begins Damage an Aether Worm with your Fists.
Screeching Creatures Complete all Prestige 5 Zombies Challenges.
Kill-O-Watt Trigger 300 Ammo Mods with Elemental Pop active.
Pale Surfer Get 250 Kills in a row without taking damage.
Heavy Stuff Get 100 Kills while Sliding.
Minion Get 300 Kills with your Fists.
Armed and Ready Complete all Prestige 6 Zombies Challenges
Dark Aether Containment Collect 100 Aether Containers
Glorious Sub Purchase 10 Legendary Weapons at Wall Buys
Inevitable Get a Quad Kill with Monkey Bomb 20 Times
Tapped Get 750 Critical Kills with SMGs
Don't Look Back, It's Cooler Complete all Prestige 7 Zombies Challenges
Turret Trauma Get 150 Kills with Deadbolt
Raining Vials Spend 25,000 Essence in a Single Game and Successfully Exfil 5 Times
Surrounded Get 500 Kills while Frenzied Guard is active
Impending Doom Activate 25 Nukes Power-Up
Handy Maneuver Complete all Prestige 8 Zombies Challenges
Brain Drain Get 10 Critical Kills without Reloading with Pistols 20 Times
Imbued Use the Pack-A-Punch Machine 25 Times
Glint Destroy 15 Counter UAVs in Mercenary Camps
Shocked Dead Get 5 Conductive Medals, Killing 10 Enemies rapidly with Electric Damage
Drink Up Complete all Prestige 9 Zombie Challenges
Electric Thirst Get 100 PHD Flopper Explosion Kills
Clearer Vision Destroy 50 Aether Nest Cyst while Death Perception is Active
In My Hands Extract 1 Refined Aetherium Crystal
Let 'Em Have It Earn 75 Jackrabbit Medals, Killing 30 enemies without taking damage

Season 2 allows you to level up past Rank 55 into Prestige Ranks that persist across seasons. In total, there are 9 Prestige tiers with each Prestige Rank rewards you with a couple of new Zombies Calling Card for every challenge that you can complete.

All Prestige Challenges

Zombies Season 2 Update Patch Notes

Below are the official Call of Duty Patch Notes for Season 2. You can also check our page for Updates Patch Notes.


  • Increased the drop chance for Ammo Pouches in the High Threat Zone.
  • Closed various exploits related to Tombstone Soda.


  • New Weapons introduced in Season 1 have been added to the loot pool and can be found in lockers, crates, and the Mystery Box.

Ray Gun

  • Damage has increased for both the base weapon and when Pack-A-Punched.
  • Base projectile speed has been increased (+60%) with further increases when Pack-A-Punched (+110%).
  • Reduced the damage the Ray Gun will deal to its owner.
  • Players will now enter into a downed state in 8 shots.

The Scorcher

  • Decreased the time between pressing fire and the Scorcher charging up.
  • Direct impact Plasma damage has been increased (+333%).
  • Lingering Plasma length and diameter now increases with each charge.
  • Lingering Plasma damage has been increased (+428%).
  • Lingering Plasma duration has been adjusted.
  • Lingering Plasma Damage duration for the initial charge has been decreased from 2 seconds to .5.
  • Lingering Plasma Damage duration now increases by 1 second with each charge.
  • Total duration is now longer by .5 seconds (at 4.5 seconds) with this change.

The V-R11

  • The V-R11 will now hit and deal damage to Aether Worms.


  • Addressed an issue that prevented players from unlocking the HRM-9 via exfilling with the weapon in their inventory.


  • Addressed an issue that prevented players from infilling with the Eros blueprint.

Dual Kodachis

  • Addressed an issue that prevented players from infilling with the Crysknife Blueprint in-game.



  • Addressed an Issue that prevented players from switching weapons after using a Juggernaut Killstreak.
  • Closed various duplication exploits with the Juggernaut Killstreak.
  • Closed an exploit that allowed players to carry more than two weapons via the Juggernaut Killstreak.
  • Closed an invulnerability exploit with the Juggernaut Killstreak.


  • Addressed an issue that prevented the Kawaiii Endo Dismemberment Death Effect from appearing.


  • Addressed an issue that took players to the Modern Warfare Zombies main menu when attempting to preview a camo while the Stormender was equipped.
  • Removed some inactive UI prompts from the “Plea for Help Requested” screen.


  • Added various crash and stability fixes.

How Many Zombies Season 2 Missions?

1 New Story Mission

Just like with Season 1's Zombie Content, Zombies Season 2 adds 1 new Story Mission in Act IV: Countermeasures. This is another mission where players must enter a new Dark Aether Rift.

Countermeasures Mission Walkthrough

Zombies Season 2 Battle Pass

Paid Acquisitions

Zombies Battle Pass Items (Season 2)
Shatter Blast Ammo Mod
Sector B1
Rare Aether Tool
Sector B10
Raw Aetherium Crystal
Sector B13
Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod
Sector B18
Epic Aether Tool
Sector B19

Just like in the previous season, if you progress the Battle Pass, you'll be rewarded with 2 of each of the above Zombies items, which you can use once each at any point when deploying into a Zombies match.

Current Battle Pass End Dates and Rewards

Season 2 Battle Pass Weapons

Weapons Season 2 Battle Pass
The RAM-9 (SMG) and the BP50 (Assault Rifle) can be used in Zombies loadouts once unlocked via the Season 2 Battle Pass.

These are weapons that you can only obtain throughout the duration of the season.

Zombies Best Guns and Weapons Tier List

Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies Game Mode

Zombies Mode Walkthrough and Guide

All Zombies Guides

Zombies Guides and Lists
Zombies Missions Zombies Season 2
Zombies Season 1 Zombies Map
Zombies Weapons Crafting Schematics
Aetherium Challenges and Enemies
Zombies Perks Zombies Ammo Mods
Zombies Field Upgrades Zombies Gear
Contracts Zombies Power-Ups


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