Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Team Gun Game Tips and Best Strategies

MW3 - Team Gun Game
Team Gun Game is a new multiplayer game mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3 2023) introduced in Season 2. Read on for a list of Team Gun Game's rules and mechanics, best strategies, as well as a list of maps for Team Gun Game.

Team Gun Game Rules and Mechanics

Team Gun Game Mechanics

6v6 Team Gun Progression

MW3 - Team Gun Game 6v6
Both teams of 6 start with the same gun and progress through a set of random weapons throughout the match. All weapons in the match are set to default, which means that all weapons used in this game mode do not have attachments.

Progresses After 10 Kills

MW3 - TGG Weapon Progress
Your team progresses through the next weapon whenever you get 10 team kills. A pop-up on your screen will show the button to switch weapons, if you do not use the switch mechanic your weapon automatically swaps when you're not in combat or when you respawn.

First Team to Get 60 Kills Wins

MW3 - Team Gun Game Win
With a match duration of 10 minutes, the first team to get 60 kills wins the match. However, if time runs out, the team with the higher score is given the win.

Team Gun Game Best Strategies

Best Strategies for Team Gun Game

Stick with your Squad

Team Gun Game is a fast-paced game mode. Stick to your squad and rotate across the map with them to ensure that you're getting and trading kills effectively.

Don't Stay Out in the Open

Always try to stick behind cover or tight paths. This allows you to check most angles you're exposed to, compared to open areas where you may not know where an enemy will come from.

Sticking to tight paths can also reward you with easy kills from unsuspecting enemies.

Use Movement Tech to Avoid Death

Utilize sprinting, parkour, prone, crouching, sliding, and jumping to throw off your enemy's aim. Movement is core to MW3's gameplay, and players must always utilize it to their advantage.

Team Gun Game Maps

Team Gun Game is available across 6 different maps with varying sizes.

All Team Gun Game Maps
New Map - Rio.pngRio Modern Warfare 3 - Highrise.pngHighrise
Modern Warfare 3 - Karachi.pngKarachi Modern Warfare 3 - Rust.pngRust
Modern Warfare 3 - Scrapyard.pngScrapyard Modern Warfare 3 - Terminal.pngTerminal

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