Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Unlock All Mastery Camos

Modern Warfare 3 - How to Unlock All Mastery Camos

There are 12 Mastery Camos under the Completionist category in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3). Read on to see a list of all Mastery Camo types and how to unlock them!

Camo Lists
All Camo Challenges Mastery Camos
Zombie Camos Camo Tracker

How to Unlock All Mastery Camos

Multiplayer Mastery Camos
Gilded Forged Priceless Interstellar
Zombies Mastery Camos
Golden Enigma Zircon Scale Serpentinite
Borealis Golden Ivory Spinel Husk
Arachnida Bioluminiscent

All Multiplayer Mastery Camos


Modern Warfare 3 - Gilded

  1. Complete all Base Camo Challenges for your chosen Weapon.
  2. Complete the Gilded Camo challenge tied to your chosen Weapon.

Gilded Mastery Camo challenges are unlocked by completing all base camo challenges for your chosen weapon first. After unlocking the challenges, completing Gilded challenges will reward you with the Gilded camo and will advance you to the next Mastery Camo type, the Forged camo.

All Gilded Camo Challenges


Modern Warfare 3 - Forged

  1. Unlock the Gilded Camo for your chosen Weapon.
  2. Complete the Gilded Camo Challenges of MW3 Weapons that share the same type as your chosen Weapon.
  3. Complete the Forged Camo challenge tied to your chosen Weapon.

To unlock the Forged Camo challenges, you'll need to complete all the Gilded challenges for all the weapons under a weapon class. After that, complete the challenge tied to your weapon to unlock the Forged Camo.

Here are the amount of Gilded challenges you'll need to do for each weapon class:

Assault Rifles 6 Gilded Challenges
Battle Rifles 3 Gilded Challenges
SMGs 6 Gilded Challenges
Shotgun 3 Gilded Challenges
Light Machine Guns 4 Gilded Challenges
Marksman Rifle 4 Gilded Challenges
Sniper Rifles 3 Gilded Challenges
Handguns 4 Gilded Challenges
Launchers 1 Gilded Challenge
Melee 2 Gilded Challenges

All Forged Camo Challenges


Modern Warfare 3 - Priceless

  1. Unlock the Forged Camo for your chosen Weapon.
  2. Complete 36 Forged Camo Challenges.
  3. Complete the Priceless Camo challenge tied to your chosen Weapon.

The Priceless Mastery Camo challenges can be unlocked by completing a total of 36 Forged challenges. Completing the Priceless challenges will reward you with the Priceless camo for the weapon that you've done the challenge with.

All Priceless Camo Challenges


Modern Warfare 3 - Interstellar

  1. Complete 36 Priceless Camo Challenges.

The Interstellar Mastery Camo is unlocked by completing 36 Priceless camo challenges, with no additional challenges involved. So simply completing the required amount of Priceless challenges will automatically unlock the Interstellar camo for your weapons.

All Interstellar Camo Challenges

All Zombies Mastery Camos

Golden Enigma

Modern Warfare 3 - Golden Enigma

  1. Complete all Base Camo Challenges for your chosen Weapon.
  2. Complete the Golden Enigma Camo challenge tied to your chosen Weapon.

Golden Enigma camo challenges are unlocked by completing all Zombies base camo challenges. Afterwards, you can get the Golden Enigma camo for your chosen weapon by getting 100 Zombie kills while successfully extracting with the weapon in a single deployment.

All Golden Enigma Camo Challenges

Zircon Scale

Modern Warfare 3 - Zircon Scale

  1. Unlock the Golden Enigma Camo for your chosen Weapon.
  2. Complete the Golden Enigma Camo Challenges of MW3 Weapons that share the same type as your chosen Weapon.
  3. Complete the Zircon Scale Camo challenge tied to your chosen Weapon.

The Zircon Scale Mastery Camo challenge can be unlocked by completing all Golden Enigma challenges for a weapon type. You can then get the Zircon Scale camo for your chosen weapon (within that weapon type) by getting 300 Zombie kills while it's Pack-A-Punched.

Here are the amount of Golden Enigma challenges you'll need to do for each weapon class:

Assault Rifles 6 Golden Enigma Challenges
Battle Rifles 3 Golden Enigma Challenges
SMGs 6 Golden Enigma Challenges
Shotgun 3 Golden Enigma Challenges
Light Machine Guns 4 Golden Enigma Challenges
Marksman Rifle 4 Golden Enigma Challenges
Sniper Rifles 3 Golden Enigma Challenges
Handguns 4 Golden Enigma Challenges
Launchers 1 Golden Enigma Challenge
Melee 2 Golden Enigma Challenges

All Zircon Scale Camo Challenges


Modern Warfare 3 - Serpentinite

  1. Unlock the Zircon Scale for your chosen Weapon.
  2. Complete 36 Zircon Scale Camo Challenges.
  3. Complete the Serpentinite Camo challenge tied to your chosen Weapon.

Once you've completed a total of 36 Zircon Scale challenges, you'll gain access to the Serpentinite challenge. The challenge involves getting 10 Special or Elite zombie kills.

Completing this challenge will reward you with the Serpentinite camo for the weapon that you used for the challenge.

All Serpentinite Camo Challenges


Modern Warfare 3 - Borealis

  1. Complete 36 Serpentinite Camo Challenges.

You can get the Borealis Mastery Camo by simply completing 36 Serpentinite camo challenges with no other additional challenges involved.

All Borealis Camo Challenges

Golden Ivory

Modern Warfare 3 - Golden Ivory

  1. Complete all Base Camo Challenges for your chosen Weapon.
  2. Complete the Golden Ivory Camo challenge tied to your chosen Weapon.

The Golden Ivory camo challenge are unlocked by completing all the base Zombies camo challenges for MW2 weapons. Like its MW3 counterpart, the Golden Enigma, you'll also need to get 100 Zombie kills and extract the weapon in a single deployment to get the Golden Ivory mastery camo.

All Golden Ivory Camo Challenges

Spinel Husk

Modern Warfare 3 - Spinel Husk

  1. Unlock the Golden Ivory Camo for your chosen Weapon.
  2. Complete the Golden Ivory Challenges of MW3 Weapons that share the same type as your chosen Weapon.
  3. Complete the Spinel Husk challenge tied to your chosen Weapon.

Before you get access to Spinel Husk challenges, you'll first need to complete all Golden Ivory challenges for an MW2 weapon type. Once you've done that, you can now get the Spinel Husk camo for your chosen weapon (within that weapon type) by getting 300 kills with a specific weapon while it's Pack-A-Punched to get the Spinel Husk mastery camo.

Here are the amount of Golden Ivory challenges you'll need to do for each weapon class:

Assault Rifles 8 Golden Ivory Challenges
Battle Rifles 4 Golden Ivory Challenges
SMGs 8 Golden Ivory Challenges
Shotgun 4 Golden Ivory Challenges
Light Machine Guns 6 Golden Ivory Challenges
Marksman Rifle 6 Golden Ivory Challenges
Sniper Rifles 4 Golden Ivory Challenges
Handguns 5 Golden Ivory Challenges
Launchers 4 Golden Ivory Challenges
Melee 2 Golden Ivory Challenges

All Spinel Husk Camo Challenges


Modern Warfare 3 - Arachnida

  1. Unlock the Spinel Husk for your chosen Weapon.
  2. Complete 51 Spinel Husk Camo Challenges.
  3. Complete the Arachnida challenge tied to your chosen Gun.

To unlock the Arachnida challenge, complete 51 Spinel Husk MW2 camo challenges. After which, you can get the Arachnida Camo for your chosen weapon by getting 10 Special or Elite zombie kills.

All Arachnida Camo Challenges


Modern Warfare 3 - Bioluminiscent

  1. Complete 51 Arachnida Camo Challenges.

The final Zombies mastery camo for MW2 weapons, the Bioluminiscent, can be unlocked by completing 51 Arachnida camo challenges.

All Bioluminescent Camo Challenges

How to Get MW2 Mastery Camos in MW3


Modern Warfare 3 - Gold Camo Unlock

  1. Complete all Base Camo Challenges for your chosen Weapon.
  2. Complete the Gold Camo challenge tied to your chosen Weapon.

Complete Gold Camo challenges of a weapon to unlock its Gold Camo. To get the challenge, you'll first need to complete all base camo challenges for that weapon.


Modern Warfare 3 - Platinum Camo Unlock

  1. Unlock the Gold Camo for your chosen Weapon.
  2. Complete the Gold Camo Challenges of MW3 Weapons that share the same type as your chosen Weapon.
  3. Complete the Platinum Camo challenge tied to your chosen Weapon.

Completing the associated Platinum Challenge of a weapon will unlock the Platinum Camo for that gun or melee weapon. To unlock the challenge, you'll need to complete all Gold Camo challenges under the weapon class of that weapon (Assault Rifles, SMGs, and Handguns for example).

Here are the required amount of Gold Challenges that you'll need to do in order to unlock the Platinum Camo challenge:

Assault Rifles 8 Gold Camo Challenges
Battle Rifles 4 Gold Camo Challenges
SMGs 8 Gold Camo Challenges
Shotgun 4 Gold Camo Challenges
Light Machine Guns 6 Gold Camo Challenges
Marksman Rifle 6 Gold Camo Challenges
Sniper Rifles 4 Gold Camo Challenges
Handguns 5 Gold Camo Challenges
Launchers 4 Gold Camo Challenges
Melee 2 Gold Camo Challenges


Modern Warfare 3 - Polyatomic Camo Unlock

  1. Unlock the Platinum Camo for your chosen Weapon.
  2. Complete 51 Platinum Camo Challenges.
  3. Complete the Polyatomic Camo challenge tied to your chosen Weapon.

Once you've completed 51 Platinum Camo challenges, you'll unlock the Polyatomic Camo challenges, which will reward you with the Polyatomic Camo for the weapon that you used to accomplish the challenge.


Modern Warfare 3 - Orion Camo Unlock

  1. Complete 51 Polyatomic Camo Challenges.

Complete 51 Polyatomic Camo challenges to unlock the Orion Mastery Camo for your MW2 weapons.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - List of All Camo Challenges

List of All Camo Challenges

All Camo Guides

Camo Lists
Mastery Camos Zombies Camo Challenges
Camo Tracker -
MW3 Multiplayer Mastery Camos
Gilded Camo Forged Camo
Priceless Camo Interstellar Camo
MW3 Zombies Camos MW2 Zombies Camos
Golden Enigma Camo Golden Ivory Camo
Zircon Scale Camo Spinel Husk Camo
Serpentinite Camo Arachnida Camo
Borealis Camo Bioluminescent Camo
Base Camos
Glitch Milspec Camo Poison Frogs Camo
Graphical Camo Topographic Camo
Glittery Flats Camo Retro Camo
Neapolitan Camo Under the Microscope Camo
High Contrast Camo Wavelength Camo
Two Tone Brushstrokes Camo Perfect Symmetry Camo
Psychedelics Camo Blur Camo
Bold Camo Butterfly Camo
Puzzle Camo Skeletal Camo
Royalty Tiger Camo -
Weapon Prestige Camos
One Trick Camo -


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