Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

Disc Required Error Fix

Modern Warfare 3 Disc Required

Users are getting the error prompt Disc Required when launching the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Campaign Early Access. Learn about the Disc Required error below and as well as if the error has been fixed.

Disc Required Error Explained

Campaign Early Access Issue

As of the launch of the Campaign Early Access, some users have experienced an error prompt showing the following message:

“You own the Cross-Gen play disc version of Call of Duty Modern Warfare II for PlayStationA 4, which requires a play disc to play the game on your PlayStation 5 console. Please insert a play disc for Call of DutyA Modern WarfareA and retry.”

The message definitely makes the issue seem like a bug, given that it says it's for Modern Warfare 2 and that it also appears on digital-only consoles, as reported by some users.

Disc Required Error Fixes

Disc Required Error Resolved

As of 11:19AM PT, the Disc Required error has been resolved via an update. Players will need to restart their game for the update to take effect.

Issue Was Being Investigated 32 minutes after launch

As of 32 minutes after the launch of the Campaign Early Access, the official Call of Duty Updates Twitter account (@CODUpdates) announced that they were investigating the Disc Required issue and to standby for updates. Current status of the issue can also be viewed on their official trello.

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