Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Defeat Warlords

Modern Warfare 3 - Warlord Banner

There are 3 Warlord Fortresses in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies. Learn how to defeat the Warlord, where to find the Warlord, Warlord drops and rewards, and how to get the Conqueror achievement.

Warlord Location

Keres Dokkaebi Legacy

Warlord Keres Location

Warlord Fortress Location
Keres Modern Warfare 3 - Keres Fortress Map Location
At the Orlov Military Base in H2

Keres Warlord can be found inside the Keres Fortress, located at the Orlov Military Base in cell H2 of Urzikstan. You will need the Fortress Keycard - Keres to enter it, which you can get from Mercenary Strongholds.

Keres Fortress Location and Rewards

Warlord Dokkaebi Location

Warlord Fortress Location
Dokkaebi At the top of skyscraper in D8

You can find the Dokkaebi Fortress at the top of the skyscraper in Zaravan City in cell D8 in Urzikstan. You can get there using the elevator from the ground floor of the building.

Note that you also need a Dokkaebi Fortress Keycard from Strongholds to unlock the fortress.

Dokkaebi Fortress Location and Rewards

Dokkaebi Fortress is Currently Inactive

With the release of the Season 2 Reloaded update, the Dokkaebi Fortress has been disabled temporarily and players will not be able to obtain the Dokkaebi Fortress Keycard due to the release of the new Keres Fortress.

Warlord Legacy Location

Warlord Fortress Location
At the top of hill in D2

Warlord Legacy can be found inside the Legacy Fortress within a bedroom filled with traps. It is located near the northwest side of Popov Power in the Medium Threat Zone when it was still available.

How to Enter Legacy Fortress

Legacy Fortress is Currently Inactive

The Legacy Fortress is currently disabled for the time being due to the release of the new Kerek Fortress.

Similar to when the Dokkaebi Fortress was added in the game in Season 2, players will possibly have to wait for a week before the Legacy Fortress will become available in-game again.

Warlord Rewards

Guaranteed Wonder Weapon Drop

Modern Warfare 3 - Ray Gun Reward from Keres

Defeating Warlords will always guarantee a Wonder Weapon drop. This is the best way to farm Wonder Weapons, as the only other ways to get them is by obtaining them randomly from Mystery Boxes, or crafting them if you have their Schematics unlocked.

How to Get and Exfil Wonder Weapons

Set Weapon Drops

Warlord Weapon Drop
Keres Callous
Dokkaebi The Mediator
(KVD Enforcer)
Legacy Tactical Negotiator
(Haymaker Shotgun)

The reward rift after defeating one of the Warlords contains a special weapon; The Callous, The Mediator, or the Tactical Negotiator. They're essentially set weapon drops that have unique attachments that are not available at the Gunsmith. For example, the Tactical Negotiator's effect can set enemies on fire with every shot, much like the Napalm Burst.

All Zombie Weapon Locations

Conqueror Achievement

Silver Trophy.png Conqueror
G: 30
Defeat a Warlord in MWZ

By going inside the Keres, Legacy, or Dokkaebi Fortress and defeating a Warlord, you will be able to complete the Conqueror achievement.

Trophy Guide and List of Achievements

How to Defeat Warlord

How to Defeat Warlord

Ask Your Squad For Help

MW3 Zombies - Joining a Squad
Consider bringing your squad members along before taking on the Dokkaebi Fortress, as tackling it alone can be challenging due to the number of soldiers, Bomb Drones, and Sentry Guns you'll encounter before you can reach the Warlord Dokkaebi.

Zombies Squad Size and Squads Explained

Take Out All Enemies as You Go

Modern Warfare 3 - Clearing the First Area
Take out all enemies, such as Soldiers, Bomb Drones, and Sentry Guns, as you find Dokkaebi inside the fortress. It will help you lessen the threats in the area, especially when you start tracking Dokkaebi as she fly in the fortress.

You can also equip Wonder Weapons like the Ray Gun or Wunderwaffe DG-2 to take out fully equipped soldiers and soldiers with Riot Shieds effectively.

Follow Dokkaebi Two Times

Modern Warfare 3 - Dokkaebi First Encounter

Dokkaebi will retreat on the first two encounters and won't fight you. Follow her twice until she gets to the last area near the entrance of the fortress.

You can try shooting her as she flies, but you won't deal as much damage even if using an upgraded gun, not unless you destroy the Bomb Drones revolving around her.

Shoot the Bomb Drones Surrounding Dokkaebi

Modern Warfare 3 - Destroy Dokkaebi Bomb Drones
The Bomb Drones surrounding Dokkaebi can deal significant damage against her and other nearby enemies. You can make them explode by destroying them while damaging Dokkaebi at the same time!

It is a good way to defeat Dokkaebi if you don't have your weapons Pack-a-Punched or upgraded.

(Optional) Use Scorcher to Follow Dokkaebi

You can use the Scorcher to fly and follow Dokkaebi once she takes flight using her drone. It is entirely optional, but you will be able to follow her quickly around the fortress!
How to Get and Exfil The Scorcher

Use Utility Items

Use all your utility items, including Lethal, Tactical, and Killstreak items, to clear out enemies in the area and avoid getting outnumbered. Don't hesitate to use them when needed to ensure you survive and quickly defeat Dokkaebi and other enemies in the fortress.

List of Equipment

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

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Zombies Mode Walkthrough and Guide

All Zombies Guides

Zombies Guides and Lists
Zombies Missions Zombies Season 2
Zombies Season 1 Zombies Map
Zombies Weapons Crafting Schematics
Aetherium Challenges and Enemies
Zombies Perks Zombies Ammo Mods
Zombies Field Upgrades Zombies Gear
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All Zombies Challenges and Enemies

All Zombies Enemy Types
Hellhounds Disciple
Mangler Mimic
Warlords Stormcaller
Harvester Orb Mega Abomination
The Bishop The Rook
The Knight Orcus
All Zombies Challenges
Big Bounty HVTs Critical Kills
Frost Damage Kills Fire Damage Kills
Toxic Damage Kills Electric Damage Kills


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