
Spinning Roundhouse (Verdash) Skill Effect

Spinning Roundhouse (Verdash) is an active skill added in the Feybreak update in Palworld. See Spinning Roundhouse's effects and stats, which Pals can learn and use it, and how to get the Spinning Roundhouse skill in this guide!

Spinning Roundhouse Effects and Stats

Spinning Roundhouse
Type Power Cast Time
90 15
Verdash's exclusive skill. While jumping forward, it sweeps the surroundings with a high-speed spinning kick.
Aggregate Effect Ivy-Covered

Added in Feybreak Update

Palworld - Feybreak

Spinning Roundhouse is one of the newly introduced active skills in the Feybreak update of Palworld! The update includes more Pals, bosses, equiment, a new island, and so much more!

Feybreak Update

Pals That Can Learn Spinning Roundhouse

From Exclusive Skills


Some Pals have active skills that are unique to them. Check out our List of Active Skills guide to get a clearer understanding of how Active Skills work!

List of Active Skills

How to Get Spinning Roundhouse

Pal-Exclusive Skill

Palworld - Exclusive on Specific Pals

Spinning Roundhouse is one of the active skills that is exclusive to a specific Pal! This means you have to capture the Pal that can learn it to access its power.

For the complete list of all Pals, check out our guide here:
List of All Pals in the Paldeck

Palworld Related Guides

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