Palworld Walkthrough Comments


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    2 Garf412about 2 monthsReport

    Hi, you include Legend and Divine Dragon within the Attakc Passives of Blazamut Ryu and rank it the best Dragon attacker. However, Blazamut Ryu only breeds with itself and can NEVER have these two exclusive traits. By this Rule, Jetragon is the No 1 Dragon attacker becasue it can both, without breeding. If I am wrong, please correct me, your listing here and the Breeding Calculator you supply. Thanks

    1 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Hey! In my experience, as I was hunting for Bellanoir libero’s slab fragments, In the same dungeons I got those I’d get blazamut ryu slab fragments as well, which is how I’ve got the slabs (same dungeon type, in the icy mountains (ones where frostallion spawns, no idea of the name)) :)

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