
Mercy Hit Passive Skill and Effect

Mercy Hit is a Passive Skill that Pals can learn in Palworld! See Mercy Hit's effects, stats, and how to get it in this guide.

Mercy Hit Effects and Stats

Mercy Hit
Tier Positive Effect Negative Effect
Palworld - Negative Tier One Tier -1
- Pacifist. Will not reduce the target's health below 1.

Prevents Pal from Defeating Wild Pals

Palworld - Mercy Hit 1 HP

Pals with the Mercy Hit Passive Skill will always leave their target with 1 HP, preventing them from completely defeating the Pal.

Pals with this passive are very useful to include in your team if you're aiming to capture a lot of Pals. Leaving wild Pals with 1 HP will boost your capture chance, and Mercy Hit will guarantee that you don't accidentally defeat the Pal you're trying to catch.

This is similar to the effects of the Ring of Mercy item, but this one is for Pals and not the player character.

Does Not Affect Damage Over Time

Palworld - Mercy Hit Damage Over Time

Do take note that Mercy Hit does not apply to damage over time effects like being burned or poisoned.

If you have a Pal with these kinds of attacks, Mercy Hit will only work on the actual attack but will not prevent a target from taking damage from being burned or poisoned. To avoid this, you can assign moves to your Pal with no additional effects.

How to Get Mercy Hit

Capture Pals to Check for Mercy Hit

Palworld - Keep Catching Pals
Each Pal can have up to 4 random Passive Skills, and these will only be revealed by catching them.

To get your hands on a “perfect” Pal, You need to catch multiple copies of it.

List of Passive Skills

Inherit Mercy Hit by Breeding

Palworld - Breeding Pals
Offspring Pals also have a chance of inheriting the Passive Skills their Parents have through Breeding.

Do note that inheriting Passive Skills is random, and can also be a time-consuming process.

How to Chain Breed Passive Skills

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Palworld - Skills Banner.png

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Glutton Clumsy Mercy Hit
Sickly Shabby Easygoing


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