Palworld Walkthrough Comments

Best Mounts and All Mount PalsComment

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    3 Anonymous1 dayReport

    What if there's some pals that are stronger and faster than legendries? Raid bosses pals should be stronger and faster than legendries. Also I hate using Jetragon, Paladius and Necromus so I just drop them to the Marsh Island oil rig then I just replace Jetragon with Xenolord (If I don't have I just use Frostallion) and replace Paladius/Necromus with Celesdir (If I don't have perfect one I use Fenglope).

    2 Croajiro The Frog4 daysReport

    it will be nice if you add mount's jump power

    1 Smartiesabout 1 yearReport

    For anyone interested the walking and running speeds of all pals in exact numbers are known and can be found in other wikis but sadly not here. The fastest ground pal is Necromus with walking: 900 and running: 1600 speeds. This can not be found in the list where it is shown in the highest tier with other slower pals. It would be nice if the exact numbers could be added to the wiki

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