Fire Emblem Engage Walkthrough Comments

How to Recruit Alfred: Best Class and GiftsComment

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    18 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Alfredo is not at all A tier. I don't even think he comes close to B tier, whether you have DLC or not. He never really gets going at all due to his terrible speed stat and growth. He also needs more Dex investment than most characters, two of the most critical stats at any point in the game. At any point in the game he is far outshined by other characters. Should be C tier. Have played all modes. Most will agree with me. Needs too much investment to be good.

    12 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Has anyone tried reclassing him into a Paladin yet?

    11 Chickenalmost 2 yearsReport

    I could only leverage good use out of Alfred when Lucina became available. Golden Lotus is pretty good, but needs the Dex bonuses to activate more often. He became substantially better after stacking high Dex on him.

    10 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    was my alfred cursed? I used him the entire game, at about chapter 9ish I was having to treat him like a recruit unit, feeding him kills. but I kept using him. by chapter 19ish I used him every single chapter and was trying to use him. But he just simply sucked. got to advanced 15, with 19 str, 8 bld, 17 spd, his def and luk were alright at 21 and 23. but he just sucked. Was mine cursed?

    9 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Looks like a mileage may vary kind of character based on the other comments here. A little slow to start, but became far and away my best unit after a series of great level ups. A lot more like a typical main lord protag statwise than Alear was for me, by all means.

    8 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Imo he doesnt make a cut into maddening, needs too much investment and too bad stats to even put him on the front. 31hp, 12def, 9spd? Like wtf, this is low B tier. He has been hugging the backlines since ch. 10 and he wont be of much use later on as he cant stand on the frontlines, best he can do is throw some javs

    7 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    I got him to 20 side swiped him into the lance fighter then into halberdier and he's been great for me.

    6 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    I see most comments comparing Alfred to Louis. Louis is good early game but falls off hard past chapter 13. Alfred is pretty average as well. You most likely will have neither one in an endgame team.

    5 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Is Aviner really his best class? You get a S-class 1-2 range lance that could make him a lot better, but he can't use it in this class.

    4 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Alfred doesn’t come close to Louis’s greatness and can’t even approach the front until his defense is built up which will take ages. Louis/Sigurd flying truck of destruction is borderline S tier if it weren’t for his obvious res magic weakness. Alfred easily B tier unless he’s going to his final form.

    3 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Agree, should be B tier.

    2 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    imo with emblem equipped I think Alfred is better in the mid game and on with his ability being so much better but I agree if you can’t make up the weak stats early on with an emblem sync than Louis is better especially if he doesn’t have exp when rings get snatched.

    1 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    I'm not sure Alfred should be A-tier. Is he really better than Louis as a Great Knight in the mid-game? Does he ever impress like Louis does in the early game? Alfred still has similar problems to Louis in speed and resistance, but he has much weaker defense. For non-maddening, I would still keep Alfred ahead of many of the other cavs, because if he trains, he will have similar stats to Amber, Bunet, etc. but he will have his personal class. But I wouldn't go further than that.

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