Splatoon 3

Museum D'Alfonsino Map and Stage Tips

Museum D

Museum D'Alfonsino is a returning stage in Splatoon 3. Read on to learn more about this stage, as well as some tips, the best spots, and the best weapons to use when playing on this map.

Museum D'Alfonsino Map

Museum D'Alfonsino Map Layouts

Museum D'Alfonsino Map Layouts

Turf War
(View Full Stage Layout)

Splat Zones

Tower Control
Museum D

Clam Blitz

Museum D'Alfonsino is a returning map in Splatoon 3. The stage consists of 3 rotating platforms that stop occasionally, allowing players to move from one platform to the other. The central platform is inkable on the side, letting players reach the top of the platform and have the higher ground.

The stage has a lot of elevated areas and grates that serve as great vantage points - perfect for splatting enemies and inking turf with a long-ranged weapon.

Museum D'Alfonsino Tips and Best Spots

Museum D'Alfonsino Tips
Splatoon Icon.png Go to higher ground to have a good vantage point.

Splatoon Icon.png Use ranged weapons to ink turf and splat enemies easily.

Splatoon Icon.png Utilize the moving platforms to reach enemy base faster and splat enemies by surprise.

Go to Higher Ground

When playing on this stage, try to get to higher ground as much as possible, especially when you're using a ranged weapon. This gives you a good vantage point, allowing you to splat enemies and ink turf with your team's color easily.

Enemies won't be able to reach you easily when you're on higher ground either because you can splat them before they even get to you.

Use Ranged Weapons

Ranged weapons are the way to go when playing on this stage. They go very well with the stage's elevated platforms, allowing you to safely ink distant areas. Splatting enemies is also easier when using a ranged weapon.

Ink the Permieter of the Stage FIrst When Using a Melee Weapon

Players using melee weapons are at a disadvantage when playing on this stage but that doesn't mean they're not helpful.

Melee weapons, like the rollers, are very effective in inking turf. We recommend inking the perimeter of the stage first, including your base, to make sure your team covers more ground before you join the fight at the center of the stage.

When you're at the center of the stage, stay close to your teammates so they can cover you when enemies try to splat you.

Utilize the Moving Platform

The moving platforms in this stage can be utilized to safely reach the enemy base or take down enemies by surprise.

Reach Enemy Base

The moving plaforms at the center of the stage stop occasionally and when they do, they align perfectly with each other so you have a brief window of opportunity to cross the platform and reach the enemy's base safely.

They won't be able to take you down easily either because you have the higher ground.

Splat Enemies By Surprise

The walls that move with the platforms are great hiding spots when you're trying to get away from enemies. They're also very helpful if you're trying to ambush enemies.

Museum D'Alfonsino Best Weapons

Shooters and Chargers

Main Sub Special Lv. Required
Hero Shot ReplicaHero Shot Replica Splatoon 3 Suction BombSuction Bomb Splatoon 3 TrizookaTrizooka Clear Hero Mode
Hero GearHero Gear Splatoon 3 SmallfrySmallfry TBD Hero Mode exclusive weapon
Splattershot Jr.Splattershot Jr. Splatoon 3 Splat BombSplat Bomb Splatoon 3 Big BubblerBig Bubbler 1
Splat ChargerSplat Charger Splatoon 3 Splat BombSplat Bomb Splatoon 3 Ink VacInk Vac 2
SplattershotSplattershot Splatoon 3 Suction BombSuction Bomb Splatoon 3 TrizookaTrizooka 2
Aerospray MGAerospray MG Splatoon 3 Fizzy BombFizzy Bomb Splatoon 3 ReefsliderReefslider 5
N-ZAP N-ZAP '85 Splatoon 3 Suction BombSuction Bomb Splatoon 3 TacticoolerTacticooler 6
Classic SquifferClassic Squiffer Splatoon 3 Point SensorPoint Sensor Splatoon 3 Big BubblerBig Bubbler 8
Splattershot ProSplattershot Pro Splatoon 3 Angle ShooterAngle Shooter Splatoon 3 Crab TankCrab Tank 9
Sploosh-o-maticSploosh-o-matic Splatoon 3 Curling BombCurling Bomb Splatoon 3 Ultra StampUltra Stamp 9
SplatterscopeSplatterscope Splatoon 3 Splat BombSplat Bomb Splatoon 3 Ink VacInk Vac 10
.52 Gal.52 Gal Splatoon 3 Splash WallSplash Wall Splatoon 3 Killer Wail 5.1Killer Wail 5.1 11
L-3 NozzlenoseL-3 Nozzlenose Splatoon 3 Curling BombCurling Bomb Splatoon 3 Crab TankCrab Tank 13
Jet SquelcherJet Squelcher Splatoon 3 Angle ShooterAngle Shooter Splatoon 3 Ink VacInk Vac 15
Splash-o-maticSplash-o-matic Splatoon 3 Burst BombBurst Bomb Splatoon 3 Crab TankCrab Tank 16
.96 Gal.96 Gal Splatoon 3 SprinklerSprinkler Splatoon 3 Ink VacInk Vac 17
E-liter 4KE-liter 4K Splatoon 3 Ink MineInk Mine Splatoon 3 Wave BreakerWave Breaker 18
SqueezerSqueezer Splatoon 3 Splash WallSplash Wall Splatoon 3 TrizookaTrizooka 19
Bamboozler 14 MK 1Bamboozler 14 MK 1 Splatoon 3 AutobombAutobomb Splatoon 3 Killer Wail 5.1Killer Wail 5.1 23
H-3 NozzlenoseH-3 Nozzlenose Splatoon 3 Point SensorPoint Sensor Splatoon 3 TacticoolerTacticooler 24
Goo TuberGoo Tuber Splatoon 3 TorpedoTorpedo Splatoon 3 Tenta MissilesTenta Missiles 25
E-liter 4K ScopeE-liter 4K Scope Splatoon 3 Ink MineInk Mine Splatoon 3 Wave BreakerWave Breaker 27

Shooters and Chargers are great to use in Museum D'Alfonsino because of their range and capability to splat opponents and ink turf easily. When using a ranged weapon, remember to take advantage of the stage's elevated platforms.

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