Splatoon 3

Squid Beakon Guide: Effect and How to Use

Squid Beakon is one of the sub weapons in Splatoon 3. Read on to learn how to use Squid Beakon, its effects, and a list of weapons it is paired with.

Squid Beakon Overview


Squid Beakon
Squid Beakon
Base Damage None
Additional Damage None
A device that emits a signal that Inklings and Octolings can detect. You can Super Jump to a teammate's Squid Bekon by selecting it and pressing A. You can place up to three at a time. They're usually single use, but allies who don't have the jump beacon equipped can use them twice.


A Squid Beakon currently is considered an A Tier Sub Weapon.
While Squid Beakon may not be the best sub weapon available at the moment, it is still worth picking up and may even turn the tide of the battle!

Best Sub Weapons Tier List: Sub Weapons Ranked

How to Use Squid Beakon

Pressing NSW - R leaves behind a Squid Beakon at your current position. Allies will be able to Super Jump to these Squid Beakons. Each Beakon is fragile and can be broken by enemies pretty quickly. With this in mind, place Squid Beakons near high-activity areas but away from harm's way. This will also prevent enemies from anticipating your teammates approach.

Weapons with Squid Beakon

Main Sub Special
Tenta BrellaTenta Brella Squid BeakonSquid Beakon Ink VacInk Vac
Dapple DualiesDapple Dualies Squid BeakonSquid Beakon TacticoolerTacticooler

Splatoon 3 Related Guides

Splatoon 3 Sub Weapons

List of All Sub Weapons

List of Sub Weapons

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