Splatoon 3

List of Dualies

List of Dualies
Dualies are ranged weapons in Splatoon 3 that are characterized by dual pistols and a unique dodge roll mechanic. Read on to learn more about each Dualie weapon, including its Sub Weapon and Special Weapon.

List of Dualies

Main Sub Special Lv. Required
Splat DualiesSplat Dualies Splatoon 3 Suction BombSuction Bomb Splatoon 3 Crab TankCrab Tank 3
Dualie SquelchersDualie Squelchers Splatoon 3 Splat BombSplat Bomb Splatoon 3 Wave BreakerWave Breaker 8
Dapple DualiesDapple Dualies Splatoon 3 Squid BeakonSquid Beakon Splatoon 3 TacticoolerTacticooler 14
Dark Tetra DualiesDark Tetra Dualies Splatoon 3 AutobombAutobomb Splatoon 3 ReefsliderReefslider 17
Glooga DualiesGlooga Dualies Splatoon 3 Splash WallSplash Wall Splatoon 3 Booyah BombBooyah Bomb 21

Dualies Playstyle and Characteristics

Who Should Play Dualies-type Weapons?

Dualies are a good choice if you:
Splatoon Advantagesalready enjoy shooters but are looking for a bit more mobility.

Splatoon Advantageshave trouble aiming and could use the dodge roll for quick repositioning.
Dualies may not be for you if:
Splatoon Disadvantagesyou prefer focusing on inking territories.

Splatoon Disadvantagesyou want a longer range weapon.

How to Use Dualies-Type Weapons

Similar to Shooters, Dualies will shoot ink with a long press of the NSW - zR button. Ink will alternate between each shot so aiming may be a bit harder than of a shooter.

The Dualies also offer additional mobility through a Dodge Roll. While shooting, press NSW - B and hold the direction you want to roll to with the NSW - Left Analog. This dodge roll allows you to quickly reposition yourself in a fight, keeping yourself out of harm's way with your sights set on your target.

Dualies Beginner Recommendations

Splat DualiesSplat Dualies Dualie SquelchersDualie Squelchers

Best Weapons Tier List

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