Splatoon 3

Spawning Grounds Salmon Run Stage Map

Splatoon 3 - Spawning Grounds Salmon Run Stage Map.png

The Spawning Grounds is a stage in Splatoon 3's Salmon Run Next Wave characterized by its large size, multiple platforms and slopes, and tall towers. Read on to see the stage's map and features, as well as what the map looks like during low and high tide.

List of Spawning Grounds Maps

Normal Map

Map Legend
Splatoon 3 - Golden Egg Container IconEgg Container Splatoon 3 - Gusher IconGusher Splatoon 3 - Wire Mesh IconWire Mesh
Map Features
Splatoon IconA large map witht he right side divided into upper and lower levels.

Splatoon IconThe coastline appears on the left side of the map during low tide.

Splatoon Icon Three piers are located on the bottom of the map.

Low Tide and High Tide Maps

Low Tide High Tide
Map Features
Splatoon IconThe coastline emerges from the left side of the map

Splatoon IconLesser and Boss Salmonids appear on the narrow parts of the coast.

Splatoon IconThe Egg Container will move to one of its locations on the coast.
Splatoon IconThe map shrinks leaving only a few upper levels.

Splatoon IconThe right side of the map has passageways with wire meshes where players can fall when swimming.

Splatoon IconThe Egg Container remains on its original location during Normal Tide.

Splatoon 3 Related Guides

Splatoon 3 - All Salmon Run Stages Partial Banner.png
List of Salmon Run Stages and Maps

List of Salmon Run Stages

Splatoon 3 - Sockeye StationSockeye Station Splatoon 3 - Gone Fission HydroplantGone Fission Hydroplant
Splatoon 3 - Spawning GroundsSpawning Grounds


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