Splatoon 3

Fizzy Bomb Guide: Effect and How to Use

Fizzy Bomb is one of the sub weapons in Splatoon 3. Read on to learn how to use Fizzy Bomb, its effects, and a list of weapons it is paired with.

Fizzy Bomb Overview


Fizzy Bomb
Fizzy Bomb
Base Damage None
Additional Damage 50x3 (Max Damage)
A bomb loaded with special carbonated ink. Hold R to build power, then unleash up to three explosions. Shake the controller, move the Stick, or mash buttons to build power faster!


S Fizzy Bomb currently is considered an S Tier Sub Weapon.
Considered one of the better sub weapons at the moment, using Fizzy Bomb can help you get the upper hand in battles.

Best Sub Weapons Tier List: Sub Weapons Ranked

How to Use Fizzy Bomb

Press and hold the NSW - R button to shake the Fizzy Bomb and build power. Hold until it you see One Pop on the bomb to unleash two explosions, then Two Pops to unleash three explosions. You can even mash other buttons while holding to shake the bomb faster!

Weapons with Fizzy Bomb

Main Sub Special
Aerospray MGAerospray MG Fizzy BombFizzy Bomb ReefsliderReefslider
Sloshing MachineSloshing Machine Fizzy BombFizzy Bomb Booyah BombBooyah Bomb
Ballpoint SplatlingBallpoint Splatling Fizzy BombFizzy Bomb InkjetInkjet

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Splatoon 3 Sub Weapons

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List of Sub Weapons

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