Splatoon 3

Murch Location and Shop Features | What Happened to Spyke?

Splatoon 3 - Murch
Murch in Splatoon 3 is a Sea Urchin who is found near the Lobby Entrance and offers services that can upgrade your gear and abilities. Read on to find out Murch's location, shop features, and other characteristics, as well as what happened to Spyke from previous games.

Murch Overview

Biography and Appearance

Splatoon 3 - Murch
Japanese Name スパイキー
Species Sea Urchin
Gender Male
Shop Lobby Entrance, Splatville

Murch is a Sea Urchin you can find chilling on the streets of Splatville wearing an unbuttoned red polo shirt that turns orange halfway down while wearing a white shirt underneath, jeans, and a pair of white shoes. Like in Splatoon 2, he offers the players services that are usually gear related.

Although, compared to his appearance in the previous game, he's grown to be much taller now than he was and much more laid back.

Personality and Traits

In contrast to his brash personality in Splatoon 2, the Murch we now know in Splatoon 3 is much more chill and laidback. He can be seen using his phone outside the lobby entrance and now talks reasonably well to the player.

Murch Shop Features

Add or Remove Gear Abilities

Splatoon 3 - Replace by Adding Another Ability
Murch offers a way for players to add or replace unwanted abilities from their gear in exchange for Ability Chunks. This can be settled by selecting either the "Scrub Slots" or "Add Abilities" from his list of services.

How to Add and Change Gear Abilities

Reroll Gear Abilities

Splatoon 3 - Re-Rolling Gear
Additionally, Murch offers a way to re-roll 3 of your ability slots into a gear ability using Super Sea Snails from participating in Splatfests. You also get Ability Chunks by going through this process!

How to Get Super Sea Snails

Order Gear Through Murch

Splatoon 3 - Order Gear Through Murch
You can also get gear through Murch whenever you order gear from interacting with players in Splatville or through the SplatNet Shop, where you can select pieces of gear available from a list.

How to Order Gear

Increase Gear Star Power

Splatoon 3 - Murch
Increasing your gear's Star Power can be done through the services of Murch in exchange for Super Sea Snails you obtain by participating in Splatfests. This raises the gear slot of your weapon and allows you to increase the XP you can earn for that gear.

This can be very useful if you have gear that isn't sold in any of the shops, such as when using amiibo.

How to Increase Gear Star Power

Murch Location

In Splatsville in Front of the Lobby

Splatoon 3 - How to Find Murch

Since Murch doesn't have a store, you can find him on his phone chilling out on the streets of Splatville at the entrance of the Multiplayer Lobby. Interact with him, and he'll offer you his services which range from adding abilities to ordering gear you see on other players.

How to Add and Change Gear Abilities

What Happened to Spyke?

Replaced with Murch in Splatoon 2

Spyke was a character in the original Splatoon game. His design and role in the game were very similar to Murch since he handled many of the gear and ability upgrades.

In Splatoon 2, Murch has replaced the role of Spyke in the games, but he could still be seen as a background character. He has unfortunately not yet made an appearance in Splatoon 3.

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