Splatoon 3

List of SquidForce Gear: Common and Uncommon Abilities

SquidForce is a Gear Brand in Splatoon 3 with the common ability Ink Resistance Up and the uncommon ability Ink Saver (Main). Read on to see a list of all gear in this brand and learn more about its gear ability rarity.

SquidForce Gear Ability Rarity

Common and Uncommon Abilities

Common Ability
Uncommon Ability

Gear Brand determines what gear abilities are likely to appear on the open slots of a gear item. Some gear abilities are more or less common than others. Take the brand of the item into consideration when purchasing your gear.

How to Add and Change Gear Abilities

List of SquidForce Gear

SquidForce Headgear

Gear Brand Main Ability Open Slots
Air Gills DXAir Gills DX SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 TenacityTenacity 1
Bucket HatBucket Hat SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 Special SaverSpecial Saver 1
Stay Crusty CapStay Crusty Cap SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 Sub Power UpSub Power Up 2
White HeadbandWhite Headband SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 Ink Recovery UpInk Recovery Up 1

All Headgear and Main Abilities

SquidForce Clothing

Gear Brand Main Ability Open Slots
Black TeeBlack Tee SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 Special Power UpSpecial Power Up 1
Octosquid Tandem TeeOctosquid Tandem Tee SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 Intensify ActionIntensify Action 1
Splatfest TeeSplatfest Tee SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 Ability DoublerAbility Doubler 3
Squidmark SweatSquidmark Sweat SquidForceSquidForce TBD 1
Tri-Octo TeeTri-Octo Tee SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 Ink Saver (Sub)Ink Saver (Sub) 1
Tri-Shred TeeTri-Shred Tee SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 Quick RespawnQuick Respawn 1
Tri-Squid TeeTri-Squid Tee SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 Quick RespawnQuick Respawn 1
White Layered LSWhite Layered LS SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 Special SaverSpecial Saver 1
White TeeWhite Tee SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 Ink Saver (Sub)Ink Saver (Sub) 1
White V-Neck TeeWhite V-Neck Tee SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 Special SaverSpecial Saver 2
Yellow Layered LSYellow Layered LS SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 Quick Super JumpQuick Super Jump 1

All Clothing and Main Abilities

SquidForce Shoes

We are currently looking into more gear of this type in the game. Check back later for further updates!

All Shoes and Main Abilities

Splatoon 3 Related Guides

Splatoon 3 Gear Brands

All Gear Brands and Compatible Abilities

List of All Gear Brands

Non-Purchasable Gear Brands
Splatoon 3 AmiiboAmiibo Splatoon 3 GrizzcoGrizzco Splatoon 3 CuttlegearCuttlegear
Purchasable Gear Brands
Splatoon 3 AnnakiAnnaki Splatoon 3 BarazushiBarazushi Splatoon 3 EmberzEmberz
Splatoon 3 EnperryEnperry Splatoon 3 FirefinFirefin Splatoon 3 ForgeForge
Splatoon 3 InklineInkline Splatoon 3 Krak-OnKrak-On Splatoon 3 RockenbergRockenberg
Splatoon 3 SkalopSkalop Splatoon 3 Splash MobSplash Mob Splatoon 3 SquidForceSquidForce
Splatoon 3 TakorokaTakoroka Splatoon 3 TentatekTentatek Splatoon 3 Toni KensaToni Kensa
Splatoon 3 ZekkoZekko Splatoon 3 ZinkZink -


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