Splatoon 3

Clam Blitz Guide: How to Play and Best Weapons

Splatoon 3 - Clam Blitz Guide Rules and How to Play
Clam Blitz is a multiplayer game mode in Splatoon 3 Anarchy Battles where the main goal is to score as many clams to your opponent's clam basket to get points. Read on to learn abotu Clamblitz's rules and how to play, tips and tricks and the best weapons to use, as well as more information regarding this game mode!

Clam Blitz Overview

Clam Blitz General Information

Clam Blitz Overview
Splatoon 3 - Clam Blitz Overview
Mode Anarchy Battles
(Ranked Battles)
Splatoon Icon Splatoon Icon Splatoon Icon Splatoon Icon
Objective Throw clams into the opposing team's basket!
Number of Players 8 Players
Availability Reach Level 10

Clam Blitz Overtime Rules

Overtime Win Conditions
Losing Team
Splatoon Icon The team ccores and takes the lead.
Winning Team
Splatoon Icon The team's barrier closes.

Splatoon Icon The team scores any clams.

Overtime in Clam Blitz occurs once the losing team is holding at least one Power Clam, they have dropped their Power clams but have not disappeared yet, or if the winning team's barrier is open.

How to Play Clam Blitz

Collect Clams Around the Map

Splatoon 3 - Collect Clams Around the Map
At the start of the match, there are 30 clams you need to collect scattered around the map in Clam Blitz mode. These clams are used to get you points by throwing them to your opponent's clam basket.

Break the Opponent's Barrier

Splatoon 3 - Break the Opponent
Collecting eight clams will transform your clam into a Power Clam which can be used to break the opposing team's barrier for you to score. You can only have one Power Clam at a time.

Throw the Clams in the Basket

Splatoon 3 - Throw the Clams in the Basket
Once the opposing team's barrier is broken, you can deposit your clam into the opponent's goal by pressing A, which will reward your team points. The broken barrier will only last 10 seconds but can be extended by throwing more clams into it.

Clam Blitz Tips and Tricks

Focus on Getting a Power Clam

At the start of the match, you want to focus on gathering as much clam to get a Power Clam. This will allow you to break your opponent's barrier to get your team to score.

Be careful since you'll most likely be targetted by the enemy team with the number of clams you have, so have your team stick with you as much as possible.

Using Specials Drops your Clams

Although specials like Splashdown or Baller have not been confirmed to return, in Splatoon 2, using them will make you drop all the clams you are currently holding, so make sure you use your specials wisely to avoid losing your clams.

Power Clams are Visible when Swimming

It's important to know that when you're holding a power clam, your opponents can see it while you are swimming. Make sure to steer clear of your enemies and avoid swimming when enemies are near.

Clams Despawns After Some Time

After getting splatted, quickly head back to the area where you lost your Clams, as the clams despawn after a set period of time.

Best Weapons for Clam Blitz

Choose the Right Weapons

Rank Weapons
Splatoon 3 Splattershot Splatoon 3 Sloshing Machine
Splatoon 3 Splat Roller Splatoon 3 Dualie Squelchers Splatoon 3 Dark Tetra Dualies Splatoon 3 Inkbrush Splatoon 3 Slosher Splatoon 3 Heavy Splatling Splatoon 3 N-ZAP Splatoon 3 .52 Gal Splatoon 3 Splattershot Jr. Splatoon 3 Squeezer

Best Weapons Tier List

While all weapons are viable in this battle mode, weapons that have a balanced power and fire rate, as well as high mobility, are ideal to use in Clam Blitz.

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1 davover 2 years

the ultra stamp is good for protecting the power clam carrier, just stamping your teammate can give it some protection.


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