Splatoon 3

All Gear Abilities and Effects | Gear Ability Chart

Splatoon 3 All Gear Abiltities

Gear Abilities in Splatoon 3 boost the stats or attributes of your character and weapons. Continue reading to see a list of all new and returning abilities, their effects, and a gear ability chart that shows common and uncommon brands.

List of Gear Abilities and Their Effects

New Abilities

Gear Ability Effect
Intensify ActionIntensify Action Makes Squid Rolls and Squid Surges easier to do and steadies your aim when firing after jumping.
Sub Resistance UpSub Resistance Up Reduces effects and damage form sub weapons.

These 2 abilities have been added in Splatoon 3. The Gear Ability, Intensify Action, was added to coincide with the new Squid Roll and Squid Surge actions.

List of Available Abilities

Gear Ability Effect
Ability DoublerAbility Doubler Doubles the effect of other gear abilities attached to this gear.
ComebackComeback Boosts some of your abilities for a short time after respawning.
Drop RollerDrop Roller Tilting the Left Stick during a Super Jump lets you perform a roll in that direction when landing.
HauntHaunt Once you've respawned, reveals the position of the players who splatted you.
Ink Recovery UpInk Recovery Up Increases ink-tank refill rate.
Ink Resistance UpInk Resistance Up Reduces damage taken and improves mobility when walking through enemy ink.
Ink Saver (Main)Ink Saver (Main) Decreases the amount of ink consumed by your main weapon.
Ink Saver (Sub)Ink Saver (Sub) Decreases the amount of ink consumed by your sub weapon.
Intensify ActionIntensify Action Makes Squid Rolls and Squid Surges easier to do and steadies your aim when firing after jumping.
Last-Ditch EffortLast-Ditch Effort Boosts ink-recovery rate and weapon-ink efficiency for the last 30 seconds of battle.
Ninja SquidNinja Squid Leaves no trace when swimming in inked ground but slightly reduces swim speed.
Object ShredderObject Shredder Increases damage dealt to all nonplayer targets.
Opening GambitOpening Gambit Boosts your speed while moving for the first 30 second of battle.
Quick RespawnQuick Respawn Reduces respawn time after getting splatted repeatedly without splatting any opponents.
Quick Super JumpQuick Super Jump Increases Super Jump speed.
Respawn PunisherRespawn Punisher Increases respawn time and special-gauge spawn penalty for you and any player you splat.
Run Speed UpRun Speed Up Increases movement speed in Inkling or Octoling form.
Special Charge UpSpecial Charge Up Increases special-gauge fill rate.
Special Power UpSpecial Power Up Upgrades your special weapon.
Special SaverSpecial Saver Reduces special-gauge decrease after getting splatted.
Stealth JumpStealth Jump Hides your Super Jump landing point from distant players.
Sub Power UpSub Power Up Upgrades your sub weapon.
Sub Resistance UpSub Resistance Up Reduces effects and damage form sub weapons.
Swim Speed UpSwim Speed Up Increases movement speed in swim form.
TenacityTenacity Fills special gauge automatically if your team has fewer active players than the enemy.
Thermal InkThermal Ink Allows you to track distant players hit with shots from you main weapon.

Gear Ability Chart

Gear Brand Common Ability Uncommon Ability
AmiiboAmiibo None None
AnnakiAnnaki Splatoon 3 Ink Saver (Sub)Ink Saver (Sub) Splatoon 3 Special SaverSpecial Saver
BarazushiBarazushi Splatoon 3 Intensify ActionIntensify Action Splatoon 3 Sub Power UpSub Power Up
CuttlegearCuttlegear None None
EmberzEmberz Splatoon 3 Intensify ActionIntensify Action Splatoon 3 Special Charge UpSpecial Charge Up
EnperryEnperry Splatoon 3 Sub Power UpSub Power Up Splatoon 3 Ink Resistance UpInk Resistance Up
FirefinFirefin Splatoon 3 Ink Saver (Sub)Ink Saver (Sub) Splatoon 3 Ink Recovery UpInk Recovery Up
ForgeForge Splatoon 3 Special Power UpSpecial Power Up Splatoon 3 Ink Saver (Sub)Ink Saver (Sub)
GrizzcoGrizzco None None
InklineInkline Splatoon 3 Sub Resistance UpSub Resistance Up Splatoon 3 Intensify ActionIntensify Action
Krak-OnKrak-On Splatoon 3 Swim Speed UpSwim Speed Up Splatoon 3 Sub Resistance UpSub Resistance Up
RockenbergRockenberg Splatoon 3 Run Speed UpRun Speed Up Splatoon 3 Swim Speed UpSwim Speed Up
SkalopSkalop Splatoon 3 Quick RespawnQuick Respawn Splatoon 3 Special SaverSpecial Saver
Splash MobSplash Mob Splatoon 3 Ink Saver (Main)Ink Saver (Main) Splatoon 3 Run Speed UpRun Speed Up
SquidForceSquidForce Splatoon 3 Ink Resistance UpInk Resistance Up Splatoon 3 Ink Saver (Main)Ink Saver (Main)
TakorokaTakoroka Splatoon 3 Special Charge UpSpecial Charge Up Splatoon 3 Special Power UpSpecial Power Up
TentatekTentatek Splatoon 3 Ink Recovery UpInk Recovery Up Splatoon 3 Quick Super JumpQuick Super Jump
Toni KensaToni Kensa Splatoon 3 Ink Saver (Main)Ink Saver (Main) Splatoon 3 Sub Power UpSub Power Up
ZekkoZekko Splatoon 3 Special SaverSpecial Saver Splatoon 3 Special Charge UpSpecial Charge Up
ZinkZink Splatoon 3 Quick Super JumpQuick Super Jump Splatoon 3 Quick RespawnQuick Respawn

All Gear Brands and Compatible Abilities

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