Splatoon 3

All Hero Mode Characters

Splatoon 3 - All Hero Mode Characters
Splatoon 3's Hero mode features characters, both new and from previous titles. Read on to see the list of all the characters you'll meet in Hero Mode.

All Hero Mode Characters

List of Hero Mode Characters

Character Description
Splatoon 3 - Agent 3Agent 3 The latest member to join the New Squidbeak Splatoon to fight against the hairy Octarian army in the Return of the Mammalians.
Splatoon 3 - SmallfrySmallfry (Little Buddy) This adorable salmonid is Agent 3's partner in Hero mode and helps them in their journey.
Splatoon 3 - CuttlefishCap'n Cuttlefish A war veteran, previously the captain of New Squidbeak Splatoon, that helps guide the player against the Octarian army.
Splatoon 3 - CallieCallie (Agent 1) The energetic and cheerful member of the idol group "Squid Sisters" returns in Splatoon 3 to fight against the Octarian army.
Splatoon 3 - MarieMarie (Agent 2) The laid back and quiet member of the idol group "Squid Sisters" returns in Splatoon 3 to help fight against the Octarian army.
Splatoon 3 - CaptainCaptain The former agent 3, promoted by Cuttlefish to be the new captain of the New Squidbeak Splatoon.

What is Hero Mode

Splatoon 3 - What is Hero Mode
Hero Mode, previously called Octo Valley, is the single-player story campaign for Splatoon 3. This PvE mode is an excellent choice for players to familiarize themselves with Splatoon 3's controls and gameplay at their own pace before they try the multiplayer modes.

Hero Mode Walkthrough

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