Splatoon 3

Torpedo Guide: Effect and How to Use

Torpedo is one of the sub weapons in Splatoon 3. Read on to learn how to use Torpedo, its effects, and a list of weapons it is paired with.

Torpedo Overview


Base Damage None
Additional Damage 60+Scatter Damage(12×8)
A sub weapon that flies toward your enemies. When thrown near an enemy, it changes shape and targets the foe, exploding on impact and splatting ink everywhere. You can shoot down enemy torpedoes.


A Torpedo currently is considered an A Tier Sub Weapon.
While Torpedo may not be the best sub weapon available at the moment, it is still worth picking up and may even turn the tide of the battle!

Best Sub Weapons Tier List: Sub Weapons Ranked

How to Use Torpedo

Holding down NSW - R allows you to aim where you may throw the Torpedo. Releasing NSW - R launches the torpedo in the trajectory you set, where it will behave like a bomb if there are no enemies nearby. However its true strength lies in its ability to detect nearby enemies and fly straight towards them. Upon impact, it deals damage and inks the area around the target.

Weapons with Torpedo

Main Sub Special
Splatana WiperSplatana Wiper TorpedoTorpedo Ultra StampUltra Stamp
Goo TuberGoo Tuber TorpedoTorpedo Tenta MissilesTenta Missiles

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List of Sub Weapons

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