Splatoon 3

List of Shooters

List of Shooters
Shooters are ranged weapons in Splatoon 3 that have a similar function to guns. Read on to learn more about each Shooter weapon, including its Sub Weapon and Special Weapon.

List of Shooters

Main Sub Special Lv. Required
Hero Shot ReplicaHero Shot Replica Splatoon 3 Suction BombSuction Bomb Splatoon 3 TrizookaTrizooka Clear Hero Mode
Splattershot Jr.Splattershot Jr. Splatoon 3 Splat BombSplat Bomb Splatoon 3 Big BubblerBig Bubbler 1
SplattershotSplattershot Splatoon 3 Suction BombSuction Bomb Splatoon 3 TrizookaTrizooka 2
Aerospray MGAerospray MG Splatoon 3 Fizzy BombFizzy Bomb Splatoon 3 ReefsliderReefslider 5
N-ZAP N-ZAP '85 Splatoon 3 Suction BombSuction Bomb Splatoon 3 TacticoolerTacticooler 6
Splattershot ProSplattershot Pro Splatoon 3 Angle ShooterAngle Shooter Splatoon 3 Crab TankCrab Tank 9
Sploosh-o-maticSploosh-o-matic Splatoon 3 Curling BombCurling Bomb Splatoon 3 Ultra StampUltra Stamp 9
.52 Gal.52 Gal Splatoon 3 Splash WallSplash Wall Splatoon 3 Killer Wail 5.1Killer Wail 5.1 11
L-3 NozzlenoseL-3 Nozzlenose Splatoon 3 Curling BombCurling Bomb Splatoon 3 Crab TankCrab Tank 13
Jet SquelcherJet Squelcher Splatoon 3 Angle ShooterAngle Shooter Splatoon 3 Ink VacInk Vac 15
Splash-o-maticSplash-o-matic Splatoon 3 Burst BombBurst Bomb Splatoon 3 Crab TankCrab Tank 16
.96 Gal.96 Gal Splatoon 3 SprinklerSprinkler Splatoon 3 Ink VacInk Vac 17
SqueezerSqueezer Splatoon 3 Splash WallSplash Wall Splatoon 3 TrizookaTrizooka 19
H-3 NozzlenoseH-3 Nozzlenose Splatoon 3 Point SensorPoint Sensor Splatoon 3 TacticoolerTacticooler 24

Shooters Playstyle and Characteristics

Who Should Play Shooter-type Weapons?

Shooters are a good choice if you:
Splatoon Advantagesprefer all-rounder weapons with decent inking and combat ability.

Splatoon Advantagesprefer easier to use weapons.
Shooters may not be for you if:
Splatoon Disadvantagesyou want to try more specialized weapons.

Splatoon Disadvantagesyou would like stronger combat ability or better inking ability.

How to Use Shooter-Type Weapons

Every Shooter-type weapon has a very basic mode of operation. Holding down the NSW - zR button lets the shooters fire out a steady stream of ink that can be used for combat and claiming territory.

Shooter Beginner Recommendations

Splattershot Jr.Splattershot Jr. SplattershotSplattershot Aerospray MGAerospray MG

Best Weapons Tier List

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