Splatoon 3

Ninja Squid Effects, Gear, and Brand Rarity

Ninja Squid is a Gear Ability available in Splatoon 3. Read on to find out Ninja Squid's effects, best weapons to use, brand rarity, and all the Gear that come equipped with Ninja Squid!

Ninja Squid Effects

Splatoon 3 Ninja SquidNinja Squid Leaves no trace when swimming in inked ground but slightly reduces swim speed.

Additional Effects

  • Splashes from dashing in Squid Form will disappear, but the trails will still be visible.
  • The sound effect from squid dashing can still be heard.
  • Can be used in combination with Swim Speed Up but will have reduced effectiveness.
  • Splashes from climbing walls will not be affected by Ninja Squid.

Use Swim Speed Up to Reduce Mobility Loss

Splatoon 3 - Swim Speed UpSwim Speed Up

To mitigate the reduced mobility of Squid Ninja, you can choose to equip the Swim Speed Up ability. This will allow you to keep yourself hidden and maintain high mobility.

Best Weapons for Ninja Squid

Best Used with Close Ranged Weapons

Splatoon 3 Flingza RollerFlingza Roller Splatoon 3 Splat RollerSplat Roller Splatoon 3 BlasterBlaster
Splatoon 3 Luna BlasterLuna Blaster Splatoon 3 OctobrushOctobrush Splatoon 3 InkbrushInkbrush
Splatoon 3 SlosherSlosher Splatoon 3 Tri-SlosherTri-Slosher Splatoon 3 Sploosh-o-maticSploosh-o-matic
Splatoon 3 Aerospray MGAerospray MG Splatoon 3 .52 Gal.52 Gal Splatoon 3 Splattershot Jr.Splattershot Jr.
Splatoon 3 SplattershotSplattershot Splatoon 3 Sloshing MachineSloshing Machine Splatoon 3 Carbon RollerCarbon Roller
Splatoon 3 L-3 NozzlenoseL-3 Nozzlenose Splatoon 3 Clash BlasterClash Blaster Splatoon 3 Hero Shot ReplicaHero Shot Replica

Squid Ninja works very well with close ranged weapons, especially Rollers and Sloshers since you'll be able to easily get up close and personal with your opponents to get kills.

List of All Weapons

Ninja Squid Brand Rarity

Common and Uncommon Brands

Common Brand(s)
Uncommon Brand(s)

Certain Gear Abilities are more likely to appear in specific brands while others are less likely to appear. Take this into consideration when deciding what gear you want to purchase.

All Gear Brands and Compatible Abilities

Gear With Ninja Squid


Black PoloBlack Polo Sudadera CelesteSudadera Celeste Tan Retro TeeTan Retro Tee
Matcha Down JacketMatcha Down Jacket Business AnimalBusiness Animal

The following Gear have this ability by default. However, other Gear can gain this ability through leveling up or talking to Murch.

All Gear and Equipment

Splatoon 3 Related Guides

Splatoon 3 Gear Abilities

All Gear Abilities and Effects

List of All Gear Abilities

Ability DoublerAbility Doubler ComebackComeback Drop RollerDrop Roller
HauntHaunt Ink Recovery UpInk Recovery Up Ink Resistance UpInk Resistance Up
Ink Saver (Main)Ink Saver (Main) Ink Saver(Sub)Ink Saver (Sub) Intensify ActionIntensify Action
Last-Ditch EffortLast-Ditch Effort Ninja SquidNinja Squid Object ShredderObject Shredder
Opening GambitOpening Gambit Quick RespawnQuick Respawn Quick Super JumpQuick Super Jump
Respawn PunisherRespawn Punisher Run Speed UpRun Speed Up Special Charge UpSpecial Charge Up
Special Power UpSpecial Power Up Special SaverSpecial Saver Stealth JumpStealth Jump
Sub Power UpSub Power Up Sub Resistance UpSub Resistance Up Swim Speed UpSwim Speed Up
TenacityTenacity Thermal InkThermal Ink -


7 Anonymousover 2 years

Takoroka Nylon Vintage can also have ninja squid!

6 Splatoon 3 Guides Team@Game8over 2 years

Thank you for sharing this with us! The Black Inky Rider obtained from SplatNet 3 will have a random primary ability equipped compared to when purchasing it in the in-game store!


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