Splatoon 3

Cap'n Cuttlefish Character Profile

Splatoon 3 - Cap
Cap'n Cuttlefish is a Hero Mode character in Splatoon 3. Read on to learn more about Cap'n Cuttlefish, where to find him, his previous game appearances, and more!

Cap'n Cuttlefish Character Profile

Cap'n Cuttlefish
Splatoon 3 - Cap
Description A retired captain who guides the player against the Octarians in Hero Mode.
Initial Location Splatsville, Square

Cap'n Cuttlefish Location

Map View

Overworld View

Cap'n Cuttlefish can be initially found peeking from inside a man-hole cover in Splatsville Square. You can find him next in Camp Cuttle after entering inside the man-hole.

He'll move to different spots throughout the story, and you can interact with him to get him to say random things, occasionally giving good advice to the player to guide them in their mission.

Cap'n Cuttlefish Previous Game Appearance

Squidbeak Splatoon Captain

Splatoon 3 - Squidbeak Splatoon Captain
Cap'n Cuttlefish is a war veteran who helped the inklings win the war against the Octarians in the past. During the events of Splatoon 1, he recruited an inkling for the New Squidbeak Splatoon and guided them to fight against the Octarians and retrieve the stolen Great Zapfish.

He appears again in Splatoon 2's Octo Expansion, where he works alongside an Octoling to escape to Inkopolis. By the time of Splatoon 3, he went through retirement and passed his leadership to the previous Agent 3, now called as "Captain".

Cap'n Cuttlefish Trivia & Quotes


  • Cap'n Cuttlefish's first name is Craig.
  • Cap'n Cuttlefish first appeared in the original Splatoon and has been a re-occurring character ever since.
  • He is Callie and Marie's grandfather.
  • At Camp Cuttle, when interacting with the "Captain's" sketch inside the tent, you can change the Captain's appearance if you answer "It's not quite right..." to Cuttlefish's question.


... ... ... GYAH! I wasn't sleeping. That was just tactical eyeball moistening, y'see?
You wonderin' about that upside-down tower? That makes two of us, friend.
You can't spell WIN without IN, and you can't spell INK without IN either. Just sayin'.
I knew it! The Captain's a real celebrity. ...You know I used to be a Captain, right?

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