Splatoon 3

Splattershot Pro Guide: How to Use, Stats, and Best Gear Abilities

Splattershot Pro How to Use

The Splattershot Pro is a Shooter weapon in Splatoon 3. Read on to see its stats, including its sub, special, damage, and range, as well as our analysis and tips on how to use Splattershot Pro and the best gear abilities to go with it.

Splattershot Pro Info and How to Get

Splattershot Pro Overview

Weapon Sub Special
Splatoon 3 Splattershot ProSplattershot Pro Splatoon 3 Angle ShooterAngle Shooter Splatoon 3 Crab TankCrab Tank
Points for Special Type
200 Shooter
Unlock Level
Splattershot Pro will be available for purchase from Ammo Knights upon reaching Level 9.

Splattershot Pro Tier Ranking

C Splattershot Pro currently is considered a C Tier weapon.
Splattershot Pro is severely outclassed by other weapons available and doesn't really do any better. Try this weapon for fun but it will be hard to win with Splattershot Pro.

Best Weapons Tier List: Main Weapons Ranked

Splattershot Pro Stats: Damage and Range

Damage 42 (Max Damage)
(Test Range Lines)
3.5 (Maximum)
3 (Effective)

Splattershot Pro Analysis, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Splattershot Pro Analysis

Overall Ranking
Turf War.png Turf Wars Splat Zones.png Splat Zones Tower Control.png Tower Control Rainmaker.png Rainmaker Clam Blitz.png Clam Blitz

Splattershot Pro Characteristics

Ratings of Individual Characteristics
Inking Potential 2 Star.png Ease of Use 4 Star.png
Offense 3 Star.png Defense 3 Star.png
Utility 3 Star.png Shield Penetration 3 Star.png

Splattershot Pro Strengths and Weaknesses

Splattershot Pro Strengths Splattershot Pro Weaknesses
Splatoon AdvantagesExcellent for long range combat.

Splatoon AdvantagesGreat damage dealer with great synergy with the Angle Shooter sub-weapon.
Splatoon DisadvantagesSlow rate of fire.

Splatoon DisadvantagesSlow movement speed when using rapid fire.

Best Gear Abilities for Splattershot Pro

Gear Ability Effect
ComebackComeback Boosts some of your abilities for a short time after respawning.
Ink Recovery UpInk Recovery Up Increases ink-tank refill rate.
Ink Resistance UpInk Resistance Up Reduces damage taken and improves mobility when walking through enemy ink.
Ink Saver (Main)Ink Saver (Main) Decreases the amount of ink consumed by your main weapon.
Ink Saver (Sub)Ink Saver (Sub) Decreases the amount of ink consumed by your sub weapon.
Quick Super JumpQuick Super Jump Increases Super Jump speed.
Swim Speed UpSwim Speed Up Increases movement speed in swim form.

All Gear Abilities and Effects

How to Use Splattershot Pro Effectively

The ink has no bullet drop so be sure to take advantage of this at long range fights.

The Splattershot Pro's ink shoots straight and fast at longer distances. Take advantage of this by taking up high vantage points such as on top of obstacles to pick off enemy opponents while keeping your distance.

Use the Angle Shooter while aiming to actively search for enemies from a distance.

It's better to play this weapon passively with the help of the Angle Shooter. Fire the sub weapon at the middle of the battlefield and any enemy who steps on it becomes marked. You then should be able to track them down easily and shoot them from a distance.

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List of Shooter Weapons

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1 Anonymousover 2 years

For gears I do not think it is correct as splattershot pro your more passive and your ink tank is not a big deal also intensify action is key because without it you practically can not jump in combat and I see pros using intensify action and in a recent srb2dude vid you can clearly tell he is using intensify action


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