Splatoon 3

Toxic Mist Guide: Effect and How to Use

Toxic Mist is one of the sub weapons in Splatoon 3. Read on to learn how to use Toxic Mist, its effects, and a list of weapons it is paired with.

Toxic Mist Overview


Toxic Mist
Toxic Mist
Base Damage None
Additional Damage None
A bottle that sprays the fluid of a certain creature in mist form. Opponents caught in the mist move slower and their ink is slightly reduced. the longer an enemy is in the mist, the stronger the effect becomes.


B Toxic Mist currently is considered a B Tier Sub Weapon.
Toxic Mist is a bit of an unusual pick and might only be used in situational moments. Might be better to go with one of the better sub weapons available!

Best Sub Weapons Tier List: Sub Weapons Ranked

How to Use Toxic Mist

Holding down NSW - R allows you to aim where you may throw the Toxic Mist. Releasing NSW - R launches the projectile in the trajectory you set. Upon landing, it covers a wide sphere with the Toxic Mist that slows and reduces the ink of opponents who pass through it.

Weapons with Toxic Mist

Main Sub Special
Tri-SlosherTri-Slosher Toxic MistToxic Mist InkjetInkjet
Tri-StringerTri-Stringer Toxic MistToxic Mist Killer Wail 5.1Killer Wail 5.1
Rapid Blaster ProRapid Blaster Pro Toxic MistToxic Mist Ink VacInk Vac

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