Splatoon 3

Angle Shooter Guide: Effect and How to Use

Angle Shooter is one of the sub weapons in Splatoon 3. Read on to learn how to use Angle Shooter, its effects, and a list of weapons it is paired with.

Angle Shooter Overview


Angle Shooter
Angle Shooter
Base Damage None
Additional Damage 30 (Direct Hit)
A sub weapon that fires straight forward and leaves a line in its path. Opponents that are hit directly will take damage, and those that touch the remaining line will be marked. When a shot hits a solid surface, it will bounce off of it and continue in a straight line.


B Angle Shooter currently is considered a B Tier Sub Weapon.
Angle Shooter is a bit of an unusual pick and might only be used in situational moments. Might be better to go with one of the better sub weapons available!

Best Sub Weapons Tier List: Sub Weapons Ranked

How to Use Angle Shooter

Pressing NSW - R sends out a beam of ink that will reflect on surfaces. Any enemy that passes through this beam will be tagged and marked for a short period of time. While this sub does apply a small amount of ink, it is not meant for inking, and is instead meant to provide information to your team on where opponents might be.

Weapons with Angle Shooter

Main Sub Special
Splattershot ProSplattershot Pro Angle ShooterAngle Shooter Crab TankCrab Tank
Jet SquelcherJet Squelcher Angle ShooterAngle Shooter Ink VacInk Vac

Splatoon 3 Related Guides

Splatoon 3 Sub Weapons

List of All Sub Weapons

List of Sub Weapons

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2 Splatoon 3 Guides Team@Game8over 2 years

Thank you for sharing your input! There is currently no Sub Weapon that has this type of effect in the game. You may be referring to Ink Storm, which is categorized as a Special Weapon.

1 Anonymousover 2 years

Missing the rain sub weapon


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