Splatoon 3

Alterna Space Center Guide: Complete Walkthrough and Boss Info

Splatoon 3 Alterna Space Center

Alterna Space Center is the final site in Alterna and the last stage in the Hero Mode story. It is unlocked after beating the Big Man boss fight in the stage The Obscure Chiaroscurist. Continue reading to see a full walkthrough, the locations of all collectibles, and info related to the final boss!

Alterna Space Center Basic Info

Stage Location
Site Alterna Space Center Stage No. 1
Entry Fee None No. of Tries 1

Alterna Space Center is the last site and stage for the Hero Mode story. You can access it after defeating Big Man, the boss of Happiness Research Lab. After defeating Big Man, all the treasure that you have collected from the Deep Cut Trio will combine into one tool and appear at the Squid Sisters Camp. Interact with it to head to the final site.

Does Not Appear on the Map

Alterna Space Center map location
Although Alterna Space Center is in Alterna, it will not appear in your map menu.
You must start from the beginning if you choose to leave
Exiting the stage will cause you to exit the site as well.

Alterna Space Station does not appear in the map menu, and as such, cannot be traveled to at anytime. If you choose to exit the stage at any point, you will have to return to the Squid Sisters Camp and restart the stage from the beginning.

Can be Re-entered After Clearing Hero Mode

find the bear near the squid sisters camp
Search for the bear statue near the Squid Sisters Camp located on Future Utopia Island.
You can play the Mr. Grizz fight once again.
Select Relive Memories, then Return to Rocket Battle to replay the Alterna Space Center mission.

You can re-enter Alterna Space Center as many times as you like after clearing Hero Mode. If you look for the wooden bear sculpture located at the Squid Sisters Camp and the select Relive Memories then Return to Rocket Battle, you will be able to play the enitre stage and the final bodd fight once. You also have the ability to skip certain sections of the level by opening the menu and selecting the Skip option when it is available.

Alterna Space Center Weapons and Rewards

Alterna Space Center Weapons Choices

Main Weapon Sub Weapon Reward
Splatoon 3 Hero GearHero Gear Splatoon 3 SmallfrySmallfry 0
Power Eggs

You do not have your Hero Gear for the first part of the stage, and can only use Smallfry to attack. You will however be able to use your main weapon before starting the second section of this stage.

Alterna Space Center Rewards

Unlock a variety of rewards by clearing Hero Mode

Although you do not receive Power Eggs for completing Alterna Space Center, completing this stage will also complete Hero Mode, which rewards you with a wide array of gear and unlockables.

All Hero Mode Rewards and Unlocks

Alterna Space Center Walkthrough

Click on a link to jump to a section!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9

Part 1

Toss smallfry on the pad to open the door
1. Stand on one pad and toss Smallfry onto the other one to open the door with the enemies inside.
disable the robot to slide under it
2. Defeating the enemies in the room will open a door, containing a robot that will track your movements. Disable it by throwing Smallfry onto it, move under it to the other side, then use the pad to rise to the next level.
Head to the left to find a checkpoint and two fan platforms
3. Riding the robot to another side of a room leads you to an area with 2 locked vaults, head through the left side of this area to progress.
Use smallfry to move the platforms
4. Toss Smallfry onto the fans to move the platforms, making it to the top of a new room. Fall through the grate and search the area to find the first key.
activate the wheel, then disable the robot
5. After defeating the enemy near where you found the key, drop down to find another robot near the second key. Following Shiver's advice, you must:1. Activative the ink wheel when the robot is far away. 2. Disable the robot with Smallfry to allow the wheel to roll under it, 3. Quickly swim to the other side.
Stand on the pad and toss smallfry on the wheel
6. After riding the robot and grabbing the second key, head back to the vault room to unlock a pad and an ink wheel. Stand on the pad and activate the wheel with Smallfry to coat the wall with ink.
Take out the Octomandos with ink wheels
7. Toss Smallfry on the pad to keep the wall raised, then swim to the top to find a room with Octomandos. use the ink wheels in the room to defeat them. As you head to the vault, you will be ambushed by another Octomando, defeat it to get the key to open the vault.
Stand on the pad to get your Hero Gear back
8. Stand on the pad to get your Hero Gear back, then in the wall near the open grate to swim up in and enter the grate, ending the stage.

The first part of this stage requires you to complete it using only Smallfry. Make sure to use any hiding spots to your advantage and aim Carefully when throwing Smallfry to avoid taking unnecessary damage from enemies. Note that you can skip this stage the next time you play it after clearing Hero Mode.

How to Use Smallfry

Part 2

Break the boxes to proceed
1. Head straight until you see boxes that you can break, opening a new path.
Enter the drain pipe to leave the stage
2. Following the ramps down will eventually lead you to a drain pipe that you can enter, ending this section.

The second part is fairly straightforward, with no enemies present. You can listen to the conversation between Cap'n Cuttlefish and Mr. Grizz, but other than that, there is no reason to stay too long in this stage.

Part 3

Use the Trizooka to take out the enemies
1. This section will provide you with special weapons to defeat enemies. Use them to your advantage to progress quickly through the stage.
Grab armor to improve your defense
2. Make sure to grab the armor throughout the stage to increase your defense.
ride the blimp to the end of the stage
3. At the end of the gauntlet, you will find an ink rail you can ride to another area with octozepplins. Hop on one and ride it to the other side to finish the stage. Make sure to ink the wing to hide from the enemy on the other side.

This section will test your ability to effectively use Special Weapons. Although you do not need to use them, the large number of enemies can be overwhelming without them. Make sure to grab the armor available in this stage as well to bolster your defense. Note that you can skip this stage the next time you play it after clearing Hero Mode.

How to Use Special Weapons

Part 4

Shoot ink canister to ride the ink rail
1. Once you find the ink canister, activate it to ride the ink rail.
jump into the vent duct to end the stage
2. Jump from the box onto the grate and fall through to finish the stage.

Similar to the second section, this area is fairly straightforward. Once you find the ink canister, activate it to create an ink rail which will lead you to a vent duct. Fall through it to end this section.

Part 5

shoot the Splat Switch to activate the elevator
1. Shoot the Splat Switches when you see them, to activate the elevator, and make sure to splat the enemies as soon as they appear to prevent being overwhelmed.
shoot the sprinklers to keep the field inked
2. Make sure to keep the field inked to easily avoid enemy attacks. Destroying the sprinklers that appear will help you achieve this.
Use Special Weapons if you need them
3. There are many special weapons found in this stage. Make use of them if you find it necessary.
Look for Octoling spawn points
4. Octolings will spawn on the final elevator and can overwhelm you if not taken care of quickly. Look for the spawn points that appear around the arena to splat them before they can attack.
Defeat the final enemy to end the section
5. The elevator will get larger as it goes down, allowing you more movement towards the end of the section. After defeating the final enemy, head across the bridge to end this section.

This section's gimmick focuses on you fighting enemies in small, dimly-lit areas. Although many of the crates in this section contain Power Eggs and useful collectibles, not destroying them immediately provides cover from enemy attacks. Note that you can skip this stage the next time you play it after clearing Hero Mode.

Since the areas in this section are much smaller, we recommended inking the floor when you can. This will provide you with the ability to move quickly and hide, especially when there are no crates to use for cover.

Part 6

Avoid the fuzzy ooze
1. You cannot get rid of the fuzzy ooze in this stage, so head to the left to proceed.
shoot the canister or walk down the pipe
2. You can activate the canister to ride the ink rail down, or simply walk through the pipe to end the section.

Another straightforward section, heading left will lead you to a pipe you can enter to end the stage. Make sure to activate the ink rail before proceeding.

Part 7

Use Special weapons to proceed with ease
1. You will need to defeat the hordes of enemies to progress through this stage, so we recommend using the special weapons found throughout the stage. Not only do they help you splat enemies with ease, but they also ink the area, making it easier for you to move and avoid attacks.
Ink the ground well to jump across the gap
2. You can not make this jump without using swim mode. Ink both sides very well before jumping.
Stick to the side and ink the area to progress
3. One section will require you to ink the ground while avoiding enemy attacks. Stick to the sides to avoid enemy attacks, then ink the floor to slowly proceed.

This section, similar to part 3 requires you to defeat hordes of enemies to progress through the stage. Although you are provided with special weapons to help you with this task, you must also be careful of the fuzzy ooze that covers the area. You cannot remove it Smallfry, meaning that touching it at any point is an instant reset. Note that you can skip this stage the next time you play it after clearing Hero Mode.

Part 8

break the crate to get the Zipcaster
Upon starting the stage, ink the pillar directly in front of you to swim up and find two enemies. Defeat them first and then break the crates to get the Zipcaster special weapon.
Angle your leaps to grab energy orbs efficiently
Energy orbs are angled so that multiple can be grabbed at once. Angle your leaps well to avoid having to take multiple attempts
Move slowly to ensure safe landings
As you progress, the amount of fuzzy ooze will increase, making it hard to move around freely. We recommend looking around each new section to determine the proper course of action.
Move quickly through the final sector
The walls in the final area are covered entirely with fuzzy ooze, and enemies will try to attack you as you gather orbs. However, properly angling your leaps will allow you to get all of the energy orbs in one go without taking damage.

This section requires you to collect energy orbs to open the hatches of the rocket. Use the Zipcater special ability to grab onto walls and pick up energy orbs. As you go higher, the amount of fuzzy ooze present will increase, so make sure to be precise when using the Zipcaster in the final areas. Note that you can skip this stage the next time you play it after clearing Hero Mode.

Part 9

Walk up the ramp to end this stage

The final section is a long walk up a winding ramp to the top of the stage. After you reach the top, a cutscene will play, and the final boss of Hero Mode with Mr. Grizz will appear.

Mr. Grizz Boss Guide: Tips and How to Beat

Alterna Space Center Collectible Locations

Special Weapon Can Locations

Weapon Location How to Get
Trizooka Part 3 Found at the beginning of the stage.
Wave BreakerWave Breaker Part 3 On a platform above the armor in the first section.
Ultra Stamp Part 3 Head right after defeating enemies in the room with the Wave Breaker.
Reefslider Part 3 Defeating the enemy that is between two white pillars will lower the wall on the right, revealing the weapon.
Ink Storm Part 3 After defeating the enemies with the Reefslider, head up the elevator on the left.
Splashdown Part 3 Defeating the enemies with the Ink Storm will cause a bridge to drop. Climb it to find the weapon.
Ink Vac Part 3 Use Splashdown to defeat the enemies surrounding it. This will cause a path leading to the Ink Vac to open.
Triple Inkstrike Part 3 Head up the new path formed by defeating the enmies with the Ink Vac.
Crab Tank Part 3 Defeat the Octobomber on the far right of the stage.
Crab Tank Part 3 Defeat all the enemies in the area to open the path leading to an elevator.
Trizooka Part 5 Break the orange crates found on the second elevator, next to the Octotroopers.
Trizooka Part 5 Break the orange crates found on the third elevator.
Part 7 Found on top of a platform, behind an Octotrooper.
Ultra Stamp Part 7 Found on a platform in the Octoballer section.
Zipcaster Part 8 Break the orange crate forund between the two enemies on the first pillar.

Armor Locations

In-game image Location How to Get
Part 3 Head right immediately after defeating the enemies in the first area.
Part 3 After defeating the enemies with Ink Storm, a bridge will drop, causing a set of armor to appear.
Part 3 Can be found on a platform in the same area as the Triple Inkstrike weapon
Part 5 Break the crate on the Platform before inking the Splat Switch.
Part 5 Break the orange crate found on the second elevator, next to the Octotrooper
Part 5 Break the orange crates found on the third elevator.
Part 7 Break the orange crates in the first area of this section.
Part 7 Found near the first checkpoint of this section.
Part 7 Found in the orange crate before the Octoballer section appears.
Part 8 Found near the pillar in the first section.

Splatoon 3 Related Guides

Splatoon 3 Hero Mode

Hero Mode Walkthrough

List of Hero Mode Sites

Camp CuttleCamp Cuttle Future Utopia IslandFuture Utopia Island
Safe and Cozy FactoryCozy & Safe Factory Cryogenic HopetownCryogenic Hopetown
Landfill DreamlandLandfill Dreamland Eco-Forest TreehillsEco-Forest Treehills
Happiness Research LabHappiness Research Lab Alterna Space CenterAlterna Space Center


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