Splatoon 3

List of Stringers

List of Stringers
Stringers are long ranged weapons in Splatoon 3 that can fire horizontally or vertically. Read on to learn more about each Stringer weapon, including its Sub Weapon and Special Weapon.

List of Stringers

Main Sub Special Lv. Required
Tri-StringerTri-Stringer Splatoon 3 Toxic MistToxic Mist Splatoon 3 Killer Wail 5.1Killer Wail 5.1 4
REEF LUX 450REEF LUX 450 Splatoon 3 Curling BombCurling Bomb Splatoon 3 Tenta MissilesTenta Missiles 10

Stringers Playstyle and Characteristics

Who Should Play Stringer-Type Weapons?

Stringers are a good choice if you:
Splatoon AdvantagesPrefer a defensive playstyle.

Splatoon AdvantagesPrefer medium-ranged weapons.
Stringers may not be for you if:
Splatoon DisadvantagesDislike weapons that fires ink horizontally and vertically.

Splatoon DisadvantagesDislike weapons that relies heavily on charging.

How to Use Stringer-Type Weapons

Stringers are great when facing multiple enemies at once because it fires three ink shots. The damage also increases as you charge your weapon. To charge your weapon hold ZR. until the meter on the aim reticle is full to unleash three shots of ink horizontally. If you want to fire vertically, hold ZR. until fully charged then B Button to jump and release ZR. while in the air.

Stringers Beginner Recommendations


Best Weapons Tier List

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