Splatoon 3

Water Levels: How to Tell if It's Low or High Tide?

Splatoon 3 - Water Levels How to Tell if It

Changes in Water Levels are a Known Occurrence in Splatoon 3's Salmon Run Next Wave where the stage expands or shrinks depending on changes in the tide. Read on to learn how to tell if it's low or high tide during this special wave, strategies for each water level change, as well as a list of maps for stages during low and high tide.

How to Tell if It's Low or High Tide

Water Level Known Occurrence

Splatoon 3 - Water Levels IconWater Levels
How to Get Golden Eggs
Special Wave Information
Splatoon IconDuring Low Tide, the water recedes and the map expands.

Splatoon IconMore Lesser Salmonids appear in the expanded coastline.

Splatoon IconThe location of the Egg Container often moves on the coastline during Low Tide.

Splatoon IconDuring High Tide, the water levels rise and submerges most parts of the map.

Tide Rises or Recedes at the Start of the Wave

A wave effect will appear at the start of the wave indicating the current water levels, with the wave going up or down depending if it's High or Low Tide.

Once the 3 Seconds Until the Wave Starts is displayed, then the transition of the tide is complete. Make sure to check the edges of the map, especially during High Tide, to avoid accidentally falling into the sea once the water level rises.

List of Wave Changes at the Start of the Wave

Low Tide Normal High Tide
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Keep in mind that tide changes occur during the countdown, so you'll want to retreat to a safe spot - especially during High Tide!

Water Levels Overlap with Other Special Waves

Splatoon 3 - Low Tide Stage
Water Levels are the only known occurrence that overlaps with other special waves, with certain occurrences becoming easier or more challenging. Conversely, there are special waves that are restricted to certain water levels.

The Rush and Fog known occurrences become more difficult during high tide, while The Mothership special wave becomes easier to do during low tide when there's more room to navigate.

Special Waves that Overlap with Any Water Level

Splatoon 3 - RushRush Splatoon 3 - FogFog Splatoon 3 - The GrillerThe Griller
Splatoon 3 - Goldie SeekingGoldie Seeking Splatoon 3 - The MothershipThe Mothership Splatoon 3 - Mudmouth EruptionMudmouth Eruption

Special Waves Restricted to Low Tide

Splatoon 3 - Cohok ChargeCohok Charge Splatoon 3 - Giant TornadoGiant Tornado

Low Tide Strategies

Strategies for Low Tide

Ink the Coastline Immediately

Splatoon 3 - Ink the Coastline Immediately
As soon as the water recedes, ink the coastline especially around the Egg Container so you and your teammates have plenty of space is swim and refill. More Lesser Salmonids appear during low tides, so inking a large area of turf can help even the odds!

It's also a good idea to ink the scaffolding and piers near the Salmonids' spawn points as these are very narrow and it's easy to get pushed into the sea by the Salmonids.

Take Advantage of the Open Space

Splatoon 3 - Take Advantage of the Open Space
In many maps during Low Tide, the expanded coastline has little to no walls or platforms where you can retreat to when the Salmonids are swarming.

You can use the open space to your advantage though as you have more room to lure out dangerous Boss Salmonids. The Steel Eel, in particular, is very vulnerable in open areas since it has no choke points to trap players in.

Avoid Venturing Near the Spawn Points Alone

Splatoon 3 - Avoid Venturing in Spawn Points Alone

It's not a good idea in general to hang out near Salmonid spawn points alone. During Low Tide, the Salmonids tend to spawn in greater numbers and their spawn points are located in narrow spots where it's easy to fall into the ocean.

If you're planning to camp the Salmonid spawn points, it's best to go with another player or call your team's attention with by pressing the Up D-Pad Button!

High Tide Strategies

Strategies for High Tide

Ink the Walls of Platforms

Splatoon 3 - Ink the Walls

Once the water levels go up, ink the walls of the stage! The Salmonids tend to spawn on the ground and it's easy to get trapped with no way out.

By inking the walls, you have an emergency exit to higher ground and can escape troublesome Boss Salmonids such as Maws with little difficulty.

Head Up Higher Ground

Splatoon 3 - Head Up Higher Ground

Always head up higher ground during High Tide as the limited ground can prove troublesome if the Salmonids manage to ink a large area of land.

Watch out for Fish Sticks since defeating them leaves tall pillars that you can use as vantage points, especially if you have a Splat Charger equipped!

Avoid Swimming on Wire Meshes

Splatoon 3 - Wire Mesh

Many maps with wire mesh pathways have water underneath during High Tide. While it's safe to run across it, avoid swimming on the wire mesh or else you'll fall into the water!

Low and High Tide Map List

Sockeye Station Low and High Tide Maps

Low Tide High Tide
Map Features
Splatoon IconThe coastline emerges from the upper side of the map

Splatoon IconLesser and Boss Salmonids appear near the expanded coastline.

Splatoon IconThe Egg Container will move to one of its locations on the coast.
Splatoon IconThe map shrinks and the coastline completely disappears.

Splatoon IconThe lower levels on the upper part of the map are completely submerged.

Splatoon IconThe Egg Container remains on its original location during High Tide.

Sockeye Salmon Station Map

Gone Fission Hydroplant Low and High Tide Maps

Low Tide High Tide
Map Features
Splatoon IconThe coastline emerges from the upper side of the map

Splatoon IconThe scaffolding near the piers are narrow and it's easy to fall into the water if you're not careful.

Splatoon IconThe Egg Container will move to one of its locations on the coast.
Splatoon IconThe map shrinks and the coastline, as well as the outer portions of the map disappear.

Splatoon IconThe safe parts of the map are restricted within the moderate elevation near the egg container.

Splatoon IconThe Egg Container remains on its original location during High Tide.

Gone Fission Hydroplant Map

Spawning Grounds Low and High Tide Maps

Low Tide High Tide
Map Features
Splatoon IconThe coastline emerges from the left side of the map

Splatoon IconLesser and Boss Salmonids appear on the narrow parts of the coast.

Splatoon IconThe Egg Container will move to one of its locations on the coast.
Splatoon IconThe map shrinks leaving only a few upper levels.

Splatoon IconThe right side of the map has passageways with wire meshes where players can fall when swimming.

Splatoon IconThe Egg Container remains on its original location during Normal Tide.

Spawning Grounds Map

Splatoon 3 Related Guides

Splatoon 3 - All Known Occurrences Partial Banner
All Known Occurrences (Special Waves)

List of Known Occurrences

Splatoon 3 - Water LevelsWater Levels Splatoon 3 - RushRush Splatoon 3 - FogFog
Splatoon 3 - The GrillerThe Griller Splatoon 3 - Cohok ChargeCohok Charge Splatoon 3 - Goldie SeekingGoldie Seeking
Splatoon 3 - The MothershipThe Mothership Splatoon 3 - Mudmouth EruptionMudmouth Eruption Splatoon 3 - Giant TornadoGiant Tornado


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