Splatoon 3

Single Player Story Mode Walkthrough | Hero Mode Guide

Splatoon 3 Hero Mode Walkthrough

Play Story Mode, also known as Hero Mode, in Splatoon 3 entitled Return of the Mammalians to experience the single player campaign. Read on to see all the sites, stages, and levels in this mode, as well as how to start the campaign, and a summary and synopsis of the story.

Hero Mode Guides
Hero Mode Walkthrough Hero Mode Rewards

All Hero Mode Sites and Stages

Click to jump to a site!
Camp Cuttle (Tutorial Site) Future Utopia Island
Cozy & Safe Factory Cryogenic Hopetown
Landfill Dreamland Eco-Forest Treehills
Happines Research Lab Alterna Space Center
Alterna Space Center After Alterna

Camp Cuttle Tutorial Stages

List of All Stages
1. Octarians in the Crater? YIKES! 2. Sink into the Ink and Swim!
3. Boxes Locked! Keys, Please! 4. What Are They? Can We Stop Them?!

Camp Cuttle Walkthrough

Future Utopia Island

List of All Stages
1. Get to Know Alterna, Your Only Choice 2. Octopods at Rest Tend to FLIP OUT!
3. Splat you on the Flip Side 4. Door, Doors, Doors! And More! (Doors)
5. Relic Restoration 6. Zip, Splat, and Jump
7. Become One with Your Smallfry 8. What Caused the Big Bang? YOU!
9. The String's the Thing 10. Deadly Dance Hall-Jump, Jump!

Future Utopia Island Walkthrough

Cozy & Safe Factory

List of All Stages
1. Twirling, Swirling, Whirling 2. Absorbency and You
3. Soak it to Me! 4. Splitting Crosshairs
5. Tread Heavily 6. Getting Lost in Three Easy Steps
7. The Ink-Conservation Project 8. Switching Things Up
9. The Future Stares Back

Cozy & Safe Factory Walkthrough

Cryogenic Hopetown

List of All Stages
1. Climbing the Corporate Splatter 2. They Said We'd Have Flying Cars, and We Do! Kinda!
3. Ink Wheels-Experience Tomorrow's Technology Today! 4. Try Curling! Alterna's 11th Most Popular Athleisure Activity!
5. Conveyer-Belt Tightening 6. Time Trail and Errors
7. Rail Pass

Cryogenic Hopetown Walkthrough

Landfill Dreamland

List of All Stages
1. Propellered to Greatness 2. Octohoppers Don't Have a Sense of Humor (and They Hate Puns)!
3. Let's Put a Pin in That 4. Splash the Block Party
5. Amusing a Bemused Muse 6. Those Aren't Birds
7. Charge Now, Splat Later 8. Easy Ride, Tricky Targets
9. Flying Worst Class 10. Ink Fast, Hotshot
11. Stamp 'Em Out 12. The Path to Perfect Penmanship
13. The Pursuit of the Precious

Landfill Dreamland Walkthrough

Eco-Forest Treehills

List of All Stages
1. Trouble Around Every Corner 2. The Upside to Enemy Backsides
3. Uh-Oh! Too Many Snipers! 4. Barriers! They've Got You Covered
5. A Compulsive Collector's Paradise 6. Zipping over the Neighborhood
7. One-Way Ride through Target Town 8. Making Waves With Splashdowns
9. Low Viz, High Risk 10. Shooter on Rails
11. Simply Zipcastic! 12. You'll Go Far If You Shoot Far
13. Learn to Reflect, and This One Is in the Bank

Eco-Forest Treehills Walkthrough

Happines Research Lab

List of All Stages
1. Bet You Mist Us! 2. Octarian Heights
3. Torture Tour 4. Conserve Ink-Splat Sustainably
5. The Enemy Ink is Lava 6. Keep It Rolling
7. That Sinking Feeling 8. Breathe In, Breathe Out
9. Dive and Dash 10. Mission: Fly-Fishin'
11. Don't Tease with the Keys 12. Enter the Stamp Gauntlet
13. The Obscure Chiaroscurist

Happiness Research Lab Walkthrough

Alterna Space Center

After Space Center Map Location

Alterna Space Center Walkthrough

Secret Stage: After Alterna

After Alterna Map Location

After Alterna Walkthrough

Hero Mode Rewards and Unlocks

Hero Mode Gear, Weapon, Stickers, and Badges

After completing the final stage of Hero Mode, you unlock several exclusive rewards including a complete set of Hero Gear, the Hero Shot Replica weapon, and a commemorative sticker to place on your locker!

Rewards for Completing Hero Mode
Hero Mindset ReplicaHero Mindset Replica Hero Suit ReplicaHero Suit Replica Hero Boots ReplicaHero Boots Replica
Splatoon 3 Hero Shot ReplicaHero Shot Replica Splatoon 3 Hero Mode StickerCommemorative Sticker Cap Cap'n Cuttle Badge

All Hero Mode Rewards and Unlocks

Hero Mode Collectibles

Sunken Scrolls

Splatoon 3 Sunken Scrolls

Sunken Scrolls are the individual pages of one book containing the lore of Alterna. Collecting Sunken Scrolls will also reward you with stickers you can use to decorate your locker.

All Sunken Scroll Locations

Alterna Logs

Alterna Logs

Similar to Sunken Scrolls, Alterna Logs provide you with information related to the lore of Hero Mode. The logs are initially unreadable, but are slowly deciphered as you complete stages in Hero Mode.

All Alterna Logs and How to Unlock



Sardinium, along with Upgrade Points, are used to upgrade your Hero Gear. Make sure to pick them up when you find them.

All Sardinium Locations

Gold Records

Gold Record

Collecting Gold Records will add more melody to the backgorund music in Hero Mode. Collect them to add to the atmosphere of each site.

All Gold Record Locations



Decorations are another collectible found in Hero Mode. Any decorations you find can be picked up at the lobby terminal and used to decorate your locker.

List of Decorations

Alterna Map Stickers

alterna map stickers

In addition to the collectibles hidden throughout each site, you can get a special set of stickers by completely surveying each site in Alterna.

How to Survey All Sites

How to Play Hero Mode

Enter the Manhole is Splatsville Square

Splatoon 3 Manhole Cover Start Story Mode

To begin the single player campaign, you'll need to enter the manhole cover found in Splatsville Square by pressing ZL and entering Squid Mode while standing above it.

You can enter the manhole at any level, so you can begin Story Mode right after booting up the game!

Fast Travel to Alterna

Splatoon 3 Fast Travel to Alterna Hero Mode

After your first visit to Alterna in Hero Mode, you can head back any time by pressing X and opening up the in-game menu instead of entering through the manhole again. This makes it more conventient to hop in and out of Story Mode.

What is Hero Mode?

Single Player Story Mode for Splatoon 3

Hero Mode returns in Splatoon 3

Hero Mode, (called Octo Valley in previous entries), is the single-player story campaign available in Splatoon 3. The challenges in this mode will test a player's skills with weapons and abilities, making it a good choice for players new to the series.

Each Stage Has Different Objectives

Each stage in Hero Mode has a different gimmick
Each stage in Hero Mode requires you to complete different objectives in order to clear it.
Try each mission to push your abilities to the limit
Some stages even put a limit on what weapons you can use.

Each stage in Hero Mode has different gimmicks and completion requirements, such as throwing items in order to attack or completing the stage without any weapons. As such, completing certain missions in Hero Mode will prove to be a fun, but challenging experience for all who play it.

Fight Powerful Hero Mode Bosses

Splatoon 3 Hero Mode Bosses

There are several bosses that you can fight in Hero Mode as you progress through its story. Some of these bosses you may recall from previous Splatoon games, but others are completely new to the franchise and present their own unique challenges

List of Bosses

Story Mode Lore and Synopsis

Return of the Mammalians

Splatoon 3 Return of the Mammalians

The storyline of the single player campaign is called ‟Return of the Mammalians” and focuses on Agent 3, a recurring character in the Splatoon series. However, presenters in the Nintendo Treehouse: Live have revealed that this is not the same Agent 3 as previous games.

The Octarians have made their return in Splatoon 3 and it is your job to stop them. However, some Octarians look different this time around, sporting fur and some new gear. As the title suggests, the fur could have something to do with mammals returning to the world of Splatoon.

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