Splatoon 3

Flyfish Salmon Run Boss Guide: How to Beat

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The Flyfish is a dangerous Boss Salmonid in Splatoon 3 that your team needs to prioritize beating when it spawns in Salmon Run Next Wave! Read on to learn the Flyfish's stats and difficulty level, as well as how to beat it and other strategies.

Flyfish Stats and Difficulty

Flyfish Strengths and Weakness

Splatoon 3 - Flyfish Partial Icon
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Strengths ・Fires eight Tenta Missiles that can instantly splat a player with a direct hit.
・Completely immune to inking.
Weakness ・Flies relatively slow and tends to wander around aimlessly.
・Its attacks are telegraphed and easy to predict.

Always Prioritize the Flyfish

Splatoon 3 - Prioritize Flyfish
The Flyfish is the most threatening Boss Salmonid in Salmon Run due to its tricky mechanics and long range Tenta Missiles, which can heavily damage players and ink a wide area of turf.

Prioritize splatting this Boss Salmonid over all other enemies, even when fighting the likes of King Salmonid Cohozuna, as the Flyfish can easily wipeout the entire team if left unattended.

Shoots 4 Missiles Per Hatch

Flyfish has two missile hatches that launch 4 Tenta Missiles each for a total of 8 missiles in one salvo, and is very difficult to dodge due to the Boss Salmonid's high accuracy. Even if you evade a direct hit, it has a large splash area that can still damage you if you're too close!

This attack makes Flyfish the most dangerous Boss Salmonid in the game and it can cover a wide area of turf even if all its missiles miss!

How to Beat Flyfish and Strategies

How to Defeat Flyfish

Throw a Bomb When its Hatch is Open

Flyfish is completely immune to inking, so aim and throw a Splat Bomb into one of its hatches when it's open. You'll need to destroy both missile hatches to defeat it and make it drop its Golden Eggs!

Use a Special to Instantly Defeat It

Flyfish is vulnerable to certain Specials, particularly ones that you can aim at the Flyfish. This includes the Booyah Bomb, Killer Wail 5.1, and the projectiles fired by the Crab Tank to name a few.

It's a good idea to save these specials for when a Flyfish appears in your Salmon Run so you can quickly defeat the threatening Boss Salmonid and prevent your team from getting wiped out!

How to Use Special Weapons

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