Splatoon 3

List of Brellas

List of Brellas
Brellas are defense oriented weapons in Splatoon 3 that can shield its users or be aimed and fired. Read on to learn more about each Brella weapon, including its Sub Weapon and Special Weapon.

List of Brellas

Main Sub Special Lv. Required
Splat BrellaSplat Brella Splatoon 3 SprinklerSprinkler Splatoon 3 Triple InkstrikeTriple Inkstrike 5
Tenta BrellaTenta Brella Splatoon 3 Squid BeakonSquid Beakon Splatoon 3 Ink VacInk Vac 16
Undercover BrellaUndercover Brella Splatoon 3 Ink MineInk Mine Splatoon 3 ReefsliderReefslider 18

Brellas Playstyle and Characteristics

Who Should Play Brella-Type Weapons?

Brellas are a good choice if you:
Splatoon AdvantagesPrefer to be on the frontlines.

Splatoon AdvantagesLike to be first on your team to open engagements with the enemy.
Brellas may not be for you if:
Splatoon DisadvantagesPrefer weapons with long-ranged capabilities.

Splatoon DisadvantagesDislike weapons with slow firing rates.

How to Use Brella-Type Weapons

Brellas are considered all-around weapons as it has decent damage and defensive abilities courtesy of the Brella's shield. To use the Brella's shield, simply hold down ZR. until the Brella opens. You can only activate the Brella's shield for a few seconds after which the Brella will automatically launch towards the direction you're aiming at and will damage any enemies who gets in the way.

Brellas Beginner Recommendations

Splat BrellaSplat Brella

Best Weapons Tier List

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3 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Wish brella would get a nice buff in the next update


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