Splatoon 3

List of Cuttlegear Gear and How to Get Them

Cuttlegear is a Gear Brand in Splatoon 3 that can only be obtained as Hero Mode rewards and does not have any common or uncommon abilities. Read on to see a list of all gear in this brand and how to get Cuttlegear gear.

List of Cuttlegear Gear

Cuttlegear Headgear

Gear Brand Main Ability Open Slots
Armor Helmet ReplicaArmor Helmet Replica CuttlegearCuttlegear Splatoon 3 TenacityTenacity 2
Hero Headset ReplicaHero Headset Replica CuttlegearCuttlegear Splatoon 3 Run Speed UpRun Speed Up 2
Hero Mindset ReplicaHero Mindset Replica CuttlegearCuttlegear Splatoon 3 Sub Power UpSub Power Up 2
Teddy BandTeddy Band CuttlegearCuttlegear Splatoon 3 ComebackComeback 3

Cuttlegear Clothing

Gear Brand Main Ability Open Slots
Armor Jacket ReplicaArmor Jacket Replica CuttlegearCuttlegear Splatoon 3 Special Charge UpSpecial Charge Up 2
Hero Jacket ReplicaHero Jacket Replica CuttlegearCuttlegear Splatoon 3 Swim Speed UpSwim Speed Up 2
Hero Suit ReplicaHero Suit Replica CuttlegearCuttlegear Splatoon 3 Quick RespawnQuick Respawn 1

Cuttlegear Shoes

Gear Brand Main Ability Open Slots
Armor Boot ReplicasArmor Boot Replicas CuttlegearCuttlegear Splatoon 3 Ink Saver (Main)Ink Saver (Main) 2
Hero Boots ReplicaHero Boots Replica CuttlegearCuttlegear Splatoon 3 Ink Resistance UpInk Resistance Up 4
Hero Runner ReplicasHero Runner Replicas CuttlegearCuttlegear Splatoon 3 Quick Super JumpQuick Super Jump 2

How to Get Cuttlegear Gear

Rewards from Hero Mode

Splatoon 3 Reward Hero Shot Replica Reward

Cuttlegear is a brand that is exclusive to Hero Mode, so it can only be obtained by progressing through the story. They are given as rewards for completing the entire campaign or clearing all the stages.

Single Player Story Mode Walkthrough

Cuttlegear Gear Ability Rarity

No Common or Uncommon Abilities

Unlike other gear brands, Cuttlegear does not have any common or uncommon abilities. All gear abilities have an equal chance of appearing for these gear items.

How to Add and Change Gear Abilities

Splatoon 3 Related Guides

Splatoon 3 Gear Brands

All Gear Brands and Compatible Abilities

List of All Gear Brands

Non-Purchasable Gear Brands
Splatoon 3 AmiiboAmiibo Splatoon 3 GrizzcoGrizzco Splatoon 3 CuttlegearCuttlegear
Purchasable Gear Brands
Splatoon 3 AnnakiAnnaki Splatoon 3 BarazushiBarazushi Splatoon 3 EmberzEmberz
Splatoon 3 EnperryEnperry Splatoon 3 FirefinFirefin Splatoon 3 ForgeForge
Splatoon 3 InklineInkline Splatoon 3 Krak-OnKrak-On Splatoon 3 RockenbergRockenberg
Splatoon 3 SkalopSkalop Splatoon 3 Splash MobSplash Mob Splatoon 3 SquidForceSquidForce
Splatoon 3 TakorokaTakoroka Splatoon 3 TentatekTentatek Splatoon 3 Toni KensaToni Kensa
Splatoon 3 ZekkoZekko Splatoon 3 ZinkZink -


7 Anonymousabout 1 year

There’s no octo tee in the clothing section or in the entire site, sorry it’s a weird thing to notice. Btw I checked the clothing list, the haunt ability list, and the cuttlegear list so if it’s somewhere else then sorry

2 Splatoon 3 Guides Team@Game8over 2 years

Thank you for pointing that out! Our team has already updated the gear rewards obtained from the Callie and Marie amiibos to be included in the List of Cuttlegear Gear.


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