Splatoon 3

Squeezer Guide: How to Use, Stats, and Best Gear Abilities

The Squeezer is a Shooter weapon in Splatoon 3. Read on to see its stats, including its sub, special, damage, and range, as well as our analysis and tips on how to use Squeezer and the best gear abilities to go with it.

Squeezer Info and How to Get

Squeezer Overview

Weapon Sub Special
Splatoon 3 SqueezerSqueezer Splatoon 3 Splash WallSplash Wall Splatoon 3 TrizookaTrizooka
Points for Special Type
200 Shooter
Unlock Level
Squeezer will be available for purchase from Ammo Knights upon reaching Level 19.

Squeezer Tier Ranking

S Squeezer currently is considered an S Tier weapon.
Considered one of the better weapons at the moment, using Squeezer can help you get the upper hand in battles.

Best Weapons Tier List: Main Weapons Ranked

Squeezer Stats: Damage and Range

Damage 38 (Max Damage)
(Test Range Lines)
4.1 (Maximum)
3.4 (Effective)

Squeezer Analysis, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Squeezer Analysis

Overall Ranking
Turf War.png Turf Wars Splat Zones.png Splat Zones Tower Control.png Tower Control Rainmaker.png Rainmaker Clam Blitz.png Clam Blitz

Squeezer Characteristics

Ratings of Individual Characteristics
Inking Potential 2 Star.png Ease of Use 1 Star.png
Offense 4 Star.png Defense 5 Star.png
Utility 3 Star.png Shield Penetration 4 Star.png

Squeezer Strengths and Weaknesses

Squeezer Strengths Squeezer Weaknesses
Splatoon AdvantagesLong-ranged weapon that can splat enemies after consecutive hits.

Splatoon AdvantagesDecent inking capability.
Splatoon DisadvantagesRate-of-fire is a bit slower than your typical shooter so you'll have to keep your aim locked on to an enemy to splat them down.

Best Gear Abilities for Squeezer

Gear Ability Effect
ComebackComeback Boosts some of your abilities for a short time after respawning.
Ink Resistance UpInk Resistance Up Reduces damage taken and improves mobility when walking through enemy ink.
Ink Saver (Main)Ink Saver (Main) Decreases the amount of ink consumed by your main weapon.
Ink Saver (Sub)Ink Saver (Sub) Decreases the amount of ink consumed by your sub weapon.
Quick Super JumpQuick Super Jump Increases Super Jump speed.
Special Charge UpSpecial Charge Up Increases special-gauge fill rate.
Special SaverSpecial Saver Reduces special-gauge decrease after getting splatted.
Swim Speed UpSwim Speed Up Increases movement speed in swim form.

All Gear Abilities and Effects

How to Use Squeezer Effectively

Better to use when enemies are at mid-close range.

Since you'll want to land consecutive hits on enemies to splat them, it would be best to keep a short to mid-range distance from them. The Squeezer's rate of fire makes it easy for the opponent to dodge between hits which would prevent you from splatting them.

Inking is decent, but not amazing.

While the Squeezer can do its fair share of inking just like most other shooters, the slower rate-of-fire can make that a bit tedious. It is still a good way to fill up your special-gauge, so just remember to be mindful of your ink consumption and refill often.

Use the Trizooka as soon as it's ready to gain the advantage of the map.

To maximize the use of your special, don't be afraid to activate it as soon as its ready. Once your special-gauge is filled, fire the Trizooka in the direction of any enemy you spot. The Trizooka has a very generous range of influence with a large blast of ink. You only get three shots in a limited time though, so make it count! Remember that the blast won't go through walls, so once you see a clear shot, take it!

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List of Shooter Weapons

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2 Anonymous2 months

also use run speed swim and stealth jump and utility and then main ink

1 Anonymous2 months

this is completely wrong. you are using this weapon very badly, how it is intended to be used is that you mash the single powerful shot to get like 2x more range and a much better kill time (3 shot) can't believe bro really didn't listen to Sheldon :(


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